He has since starred in a variety of notable films including The Social Network, where he played Eduardo Saverin, and the globally popular Amazing Spider-Man series, in which he took on the title role. His portrayal of Desmond Doss in Hacksaw Ridge received widespread acclaim and earne...
As David Corenswet Debuts As Superman, Here’s A Look At Every Actor Who Has Played The Superhero So FarDavid Corenswet has officially made his debut in the Superman suit as his first look from the upcoming eponymous film has been revealed. James Gunn, the writer-director of the film and...
Hollywood mystery ; Film tries to resolve the untimely death of actor who played SupermanJeff Simon
Superman: Everything we know about James Gunn’s DCU film so far David Corenswet is Superman, but who else could’ve played the new Man of Steel? The Batman Part II, Superman: Legacy headline new DC film and TV slate Night Sky review: A sci-fi mystery that looks down, not up STM...
He’s had an “incredible” experience working with cast and crew on “Superman & Lois,” the latest TV series on Dylan’s growing acting resume. “With a show like this there are lots of people on set who grew up with superhero-type shows,” he noted. “I sense a...
Pedro Pascalmay be the face and voice of Din Djarin, but there are actually three actors who play the titular role inThe Mandalorian. Set in a post-Return of the Jediworld, the Disney+ series follows a lone bounty hunter who suddenly becomes a little less alone when he accidentally becomes...
David Corenswet (born July 8, 1993) is an American actor best known for landing the coveted role of Superman in James Gunn's 2025 comic book movie.
(played initially by Jordan Elsass and currently by Michael Bishop), who did not develop superpowers until Season 4, Jordan has had powers since Season 1. Although playing the son of Superman has its perks, Garfin recently revealed that he would not want to reprise the ...
He has since starred in a variety of notable films including The Social Network, where he played Eduardo Saverin, and the globally popular Amazing Spider-Man series, in which he took on the title role. His portrayal of Desmond Doss in Hacksaw Ridge received widespread acclaim and earne...
During a podcast interview with Michael Rosenbaum, who played Lex Luthor during the drama’s run, Zachary Levi shared that he also tested for Lex and “really thought I was going to get that job.” But he went on to say that Rosenbaum was “fantastic” in the role, adding: “It wasn...