"Fiddler on the Roof" wasn't the likeliest candidate to be a smash-hit musical. Based on Sholem Aleichem's beloved tales of Jewish life in the Pale of Settlement, the musical tells the story of a milkman named Tevye who struggles to maintain his traditions, accept his daughters' potentia...
Before landing her role as Gretchen Schwartz onBreaking Bad, Jessica Hecht was best known for playing the recurring character Susan Bunch onFriends. Hecht’s role was significant as she played one of Ross’s biggest adversaries, the new wife ofRoss's ex-wife Carol Stillswho she left him for...
This working-class romance costarring Richard Gere and Debra Winger (and the Oscar-winning track “Up Where We Belong”) was a gift to any actor who played the tough-as-nails sergeant supporting role. Gosset was only the third African American to get a best supporting actor nomination, and...
Mark Margolis, who played the drug runner Hector Salamanca, a man of few words and a bell, on Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, has died. He was 83.
Other Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad alums remembering Margolis include Krazy-8 actor Max Arciniega, Marco Salamanca actor Luis Moncada and Saul‘s Michael Mando, who played Nacho. In addition to his work on the acclaimed AMC dramas, Margolis was a frequent collaborator of Darren Aronofsk...
Actors Corey Monteith, who died of a drug overdose, and Mark Salling, who took his own life after being charged with possession of child pornography, preceded actress Naya Rivera, who played cheerleader Santana Lopez on the series. She died while spending time with her four-year-old son at ...
The troubled actor, who continues work on The Flash stand-alone movie, just pleaded not guilty to burglary stemming from one of their arrests this year.
Jeremy Allen White is not only on the hit Hulu show “The Bear,” he’s the actor who plays “Carmy" Berzatto, an award-winning chef from New York who returns to his hometown of Chicago to take over his late brother Michael's failing restaurant. In other words, he’s the boss. ...
Jeremy Allen White is not only on the hit Hulu show “The Bear,” he’s the actor who plays “Carmy" Berzatto, an award-winning chef from New York who returns to his hometown of Chicago to take over his late brother Michael's failing restaurant. In other words, he’s the boss. ...
During a podcast interview with Michael Rosenbaum, who played Lex Luthor during the drama’s run, Zachary Levi shared that he also tested for Lex and “really thought I was going to get that job.” But he went on to say that Rosenbaum was “fantastic” in the role, adding: “It wasn...