Browning was part of a very small club of actors who portrayed the titular monsters in Universal's beloved slew of midcentury horror films. In fact, he was the last surviving original performer of the "Universal monsters," as they're typically known. The actor and filmmaker died on February...
He says nothing prepared him for the reaction at Comic-Con International in July in San Diego -- the huge convention for comic books and other popular art forms -- when 125,000 people tried to get into a preview of the "Twilight" film and a panel discussion with the cast. Only 6,500...
The how and why of a media figure's final days and death are the subjects of numerous books and documentaries, which often extend their research to the most intimate and morbid element of a celebrity's demise: the autopsy report. Such reports, which typically occur at the request of a fam...
Discover Broadway's backstage stories on a walking tour of New York's famous Theater District! Learn captivating behind-the-scenes history led by a Broadway actor guide, as you stroll along 42nd street, Hell's Kitchen, Shubert Alley, and more.
(Mark Kozelek and Noah Taylor. San Diego Sports Arena. 1999) Mark. 4:15 pm backstage Zonnehuis - North Amsterdam. 10/15/2018: The venue is nice, formal. Beautiful old wainscoting. A grand piano. We just arrived and are settling into the venue. Nice staff. I wrote you on the plane...
Comic-Con? Speaking of which, it was at last year's event in San Diego that Batman Vs. Superman was announced, and it has since been slotted ... 分享16赞 朴宰范吧 ujlish ◇JayPark◆100713◇新闻◆美国著名演员艾希顿库奇在推特放怕接蹦mEarlier today, American actor and producer Ashton ...