Born in 1970, Marsha was widely known for his role as Smelash, the uncle of Gili inthe series "Nevsu," as well as his performances in the film "Red Leaves" and the series "Indel." Beyond his work in television and film, Marsha was active in theater and stand-up comedy, establishing...
in 1970. With his 6-foot-4-inch stature, Sorvino made an impactful presence no matter the medium. In the 1970s, he acted alongside Al Pacino in “The Panic in Needle Park” and with James Caan in “The Gambler,” reteamed with Reiner in “Oh, God!” and was among the ensembl...
Deși există relativ puține filme pornografice care implică autofelația, unii actori pornografici precum Ron Jeremy s-au remarcat pentru această abilitate în unele filme din anii 1970. WikiMatrix Jonathan De Falco (born 8 October 1984) is a retired Belgian footballer wh...
Michele Dotrice (born 27 September 1948) is an English actress best known for her portrayal of Betty, the long-suffering wife of Frank Spencer, played by Michael Crawford, in the BBC sitcom Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em, which ran from 1973 to 1978. Her father Roy Dotrice is an actor, as...
Craig Kelly (born 31 October 1970) is a British actor, best known for his role as Vince Tyler in the Channel 4 television series Queer as Folk and as Luke Strong in Coronation Street. Kelly was born on 31 October 1970 in Lytham St Annes near Blackpool, Lancashire. He is the brother ...
For Chinese people born in the 1970s and '80s, Phillips was the pop king of their era. After graduating from Stanford University, the performer, who has an American father and a Chinese mother, returned to Taiwan and began his showbiz caree...
John Garfield(born March 4, 1913,New York, New York, U.S.—died May 21, 1952, New York City) was an Americanfilmand stage actor who is best known for his intense portrayals of rebels and antiheroes. Garfield grew up in the poor Jewish section ofNew York City’sLower East Side. Str...
A poll bybrijeshmarand. Which of these performances by actors (born in October) winning an Academy Award for Best Actor or Best Actress do you like the most? Also, check out the polls: Best Actor/Actress Winner - Born inJanuary,February,March,April,May,June,July,August, andSeptember. ...
“There is more challenge in character roles,” Sutherland told The Washington Post in 1970. “There’s longevity. A good character actor can show a different face in every film and not bore the public.” If Sutherland had had his way, Altman would have been fired...
Gregory Hines (born February 14, 1946, New York, New York, U.S.—died August 9, 2003, Los Angeles, California) was an American tap dancer, actor, and choreographer who was a major figure in the revitalization of tap dancing in the late 20th century. By the age of four, Hines and ...