"Fiddler on the Roof" wasn't the likeliest candidate to be a smash-hit musical. Based on Sholem Aleichem's beloved tales of Jewish life in the Pale of Settlement, the musical tells the story of a milkman named Tevye who struggles to maintain his traditions, accept his daughters' potentia...
"Star Wars" actor Carrie Fisher had long battled with various demons related to substance abuse, and she always spoke candidly about such things in interviews and through her various books. By always being open and honest about her personal life and often being humorously self-deprecating in the...
I see myself working [as long as] I want to. I don’t know what that age is. It might be 70, it might be 80, it might be 90, I don’t know. But I know that it’s there for me if I want it and I want to create it. That has always been the mindset that I’ve had...
I always say the role is an homage to Shirley, who was actually a 1930s Earl Carroll Follies dancer.” Margolis said Gilligan phoned him to say they were going to kill off Hector on Breaking Bad— but he “would have a lot of fun doing it.” His body of work also included...
A singer, actor, and dancer, triple-threat Jennifer Lopez has always been the full package. In the late '80s and early '90s, she had a successful career as a professional dancer, working with MC Hammer, New Kids on the Block, and Janet Jackson. She was also hired as a Fly Girl on...
“My mom was a Tupperware lady and also worked at the school. I always felt that I couldn’t let them down.” Her hallmark determination is also a product of her upbringing in the Bronx. “Growing up in the Bronx really did shape me because I grew up with not a lot,” Lopez said...
“My mom was a Tupperware lady and also worked at the school. I always felt that I couldn’t let them down.” Her hallmark determination is also a product of her upbringing in the Bronx. “Growing up in the Bronx really did shape me because I grew up with not a lot,” Lopez said...
“My mom was a Tupperware lady and also worked at the school. I always felt that I couldn’t let them down.” Her hallmark determination is also a product of her upbringing in the Bronx. “Growing up in the Bronx really did shape me because I grew up with not a lot,” Lopez said...
“My mom was a Tupperware lady and also worked at the school. I always felt that I couldn’t let them down.” Her hallmark determination is also a product of her upbringing in the Bronx. “Growing up in the Bronx really did shape me because I grew up with not a lot,” Lopez said...