PropertyValue Description Sequence number of the import that created this record. DisplayName Import Sequence Number IsValidForForm False IsValidForRead True LogicalName importsequencenumber RequiredLevel None Type Integer MaxValue 2147483647 MinValue -2147483648Is...
withTitle public ActivityTimelineItem withTitle(String title) 设置title 属性:活动时间线标题。 Parameters: title - 要设置的标题值。 Returns: ActivityTimelineItem 对象本身。适用于 Azure SDK for Java Preview在GitHub 上与我们协作 可以在 GitHub 上找到此内容的源,还可以在其中创建和查看问题和拉取...
ThresholdType 此API 支持 Mono for Android 基础结构,不打算直接从代码使用。 Title 这是活动的基类,用于向用户显示首选项层次结构。 (继承自 Activity) TitleColor 已过时. 更改与此活动关联的游戏的颜色。 (继承自 Activity) TitleFormatted 更改与此活动关联的游戏。 (继承自 Activity) VoiceInteractor...
Title Screen - CrazyBus-tCgevMWzLxY 04:47 Ballad of the Goddess (JP Version) - The Legend of Zelda - Skyward Sword 01:40 World 1 (Plains) (Beta Mix) - New Super Mario Bros.-c-BOFQirsPk 01:05 Ariana's Theme - Final Fantasy - Brave Exvius-sfOK3JP_TBk 04:50 Gas Gas Gas ...
A Flutter project where the user can track his/her habits. You can add a habit title, a small description and set a special logo for each habit. The data is stored locally via hive. It also shows a summary of the habits such as streaks, days when you complete the habits, days when...
StartActivityForResult StartActivityFromChild StartActivityFromFragment StartActivityIfNeeded StartIntentSenderForResult StartIntentSenderFromChild StartLocalVoiceInteraction StartLockTask StartManagingCursor StartNextMatchingActivity StartPostponedEnterTransition StartSearch StopLocalVoiceInteraction StopLockTask StopManagingCu...
For example: curl -u INSERT_INGESTION_KEY: Attribute Value Type HTTP Scheme BasicAuditing You can monitor API activity within your account. Whenever an API method is called, an event is generated that you can then track and audit. The specific event...
onChildTitleChanged, onContextItemSelected, onContextMenuClosed, onCreate, onCreateContextMenu, onCreateDescription, onCreateDialog, onCreateDialog, onCreateNavigateUpTaskStack, onCreateOptionsMenu, onCreatePanelView, onCreateThumbnail, onDetachedFromWindow, onEnterAnimationComplete, onGenericMotionEvent, onGet...
getTaskId, getTitle, getTitleColor, getVoiceInteractor, getVolumeControlStream, getWindow, getWindowManager, hasWindowFocus, invalidateOptionsMenu, isActivityTransitionRunning, isChangingConfigurations, isChild, isDestroyed, isFinishing, isImmersive, isInMultiWindowMode, isInPictureIn...
getLayoutInflater, getLoaderManager, getLocalClassName, getMaxNumPictureInPictureActions, getMediaController, getOnBackInvokedDispatcher, getParent, getParentActivityIntent, getPreferences, getReferrer, getRequestedOrientation, getSearchEvent, getSplashScreen, getSystemService, getTaskId,...