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Science Levelled Readers: 2009: Health Activity Book Grade 1 :Contact Us
Therefore, an iterative UCD approach has been essential to address the users’ health requirements and the technological needs throughout development and to design and develop personalized care applications in the healthcare domain to increase its acceptability, credibility, and effectiveness. Human behavio...
In the nervous system, only one type of neuron–glial synapse is known to exist: that between neurons and oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs), yet their composition, assembly, downstream signaling and in vivo functions remain largely unclear. Here, we
While the importance of the relationship of the abovementioned mediators of children’s overall health status has been already incorporated in research [14], their integration into educational and family settings for child development is still lacking. Thus, findings from innovative studies in this ...
A HisTrapTM HP column was purchased from GE Healthcare, Inc. (Little Chalfont, U.K.). All other high-grade chemicals were commercially sourced. Construction of recombinant strains and the mutagenesis library The P. yayanosii CH1 L-asparaginase (NCBI accession number: WP_013906452) gene (py...
Additionally, each Spartner case manages/mentors two to three 5th grade students using a web-based goal setting and tracking protocol throughout the school year. Discussion This paper describes the rationale, development, and methods of the Spartners for Heart Health program. This is a multi-...
Healthy People 2010 (second edition): With Understanding and Improving Health and Objectives for Improving Health. 2 vols. Edited by: US Department of Health and Human Services. 2000 Google Scholar Engeland A, Bjorge T, Tverdal A, Sogaard A: Obesity in adolescence and adult and the risk of...
Physical activity (PA) was significantly associated with cognition and mental health in children and adolescent. However, there were few studies examining the associations of PA with academic achievement (AA) and academic burden (AB) by gender and school grade. Hence, this study aimed to 1) inve...
Although differences in PA between boys and girls have been identified, the reasons for these differences vary and have not been fully captured. There is a strong tradition of research on gender and health that conceptualizes health behaviors (such as PA) as both shaped by and expressions of ...