Keywords:Lithosphere;Plastic-flowwave;"Slow-wave'';Seismic-energy-backgroundzone; Strongearthquakes;Central-easternAsia 唧RoDUCTIoN Anumberofresearchershavepaidattentiontothewavyphenomenaofdiffusionofstressand migrationofstrainandseismicactivity,focusingmainlyonthewaveswithpropagationvelocitiesof ...
Monochromatic Rayleigh wavessubmarine magma transferRocard active volcanoSociety hotspotFrench PolynesiaWe analyze two seismic events that occurred on May 27, 2011 and April 29, 2013 at the Rocard submarine volcano which overlies the Society hotspot. The Polynesian Seismic Network recorded for the ...
Several long-term ocean bottom seismometer (LTOBS) networks were deployed to monitor seismic activities in the region to reveal the characteristics of seismicity in the study region. Seafloor seismic observations were conducted on the seafloor in the Hyuga-nada region with periods of 2015–2016, ...
Seismic activity refers to the constant earth unrest that generates low-frequency sound in the sea, including phenomena such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and microseisms. AI generated definition based on: Applied Underwater Acoustics, 2017 About this pageAdd to MendeleySet alert ...
Crosson, R. S.: Crustal Structure Modelling of Earthquake Data. 1. Simultaneous Least Squares Estimation of Hypocenter and Velocity Parameters. J. Geophys. Res.81 3036–3046 (1976). Google Scholar Dresen, L., Freystätter, S.: Rayleigh Channel Waves for the In-seam Seismic Detection of ...
Effect of vertically propagating shear waves on seismic behavior of circular tunnels. In this paper, seismic behavior of circular tunnels has been investigated due to propagation of shear waves in the vertical direction using quasi-static ... Tohid,Akhlaghi,Ali,... - 《Thescientificworldjournal》...
The seismic activity comes on the 68th anniversary of the founding of North Korea’s government and just days after world leaders gathered in China for the G-20 economic summit. Any test will lead to a strong push for new, tougher sanctions at the United Nations and further worsen already ...
They have low predominant frequencies for both P and S waves. We confirmed these deep low-frequency microearthquakes (deep LF events) and relocated swarms of deep LF events in the period from 1976 to May 1999 by station corrections obtained for events located accurately using dense seismic ...
1 satellite of the European Space Agency. This method compares radar images of the same area but obtained on two different dates; small differences in phase variations of the reflected radio waves can be used to detect changes in the relief of the earth's surface on the scale of millimeters...
CiNii Articles - Study on seismic risk assessment in Granada city, Spain--As an activity in the Spanish-Japanese joint research on seismic microzonation in basin areas (Special Issue: Workshop on Seismic Microzonation in Earthquake Vulnerable Countries Reports from Metro Manila, Granada, Caracas and...