What is WindowServer in Activity Monitor I have been running out of RAM recently and I have noticed that WindowServer has been using a lot of RAM and CPU Usage. Does anybody know what WindowServer is and how to fix this? MacBook Pro 13″, macOS 11.2 Posted on Mar 13, 2021 4:21...
public class WindowManagerService extends IWindowManager.Stub implements Watchdog.Monitor { ... /** * Mapping from a token IBinder to a WindowToken object. */ final HashMap<IBinder, WindowToken> mTokenMap = new HashMap<IBinder, WindowToken>(); /** * The same tokens as mTokenMap, stored...
Use Activity Monitor to obtain information about SQL Server processes and how these processes affect the current instance of SQL Server. Activity Monitor is a tabbed document window that has the following expandable and collapsible panes:Overview,Active User Tasks,Resource Waits,Data File I/O, andRe...
Learn how to use Activity Monitor in SQL Server Management Studio to display information about SQL Server processes and how these processes affect the current instance of SQL Server.
Step 2. WindowManagerService.setAppStartingWindow WindowManagerService类的成员函数setAppStartingWindow定义在文件frameworks/base/services/java/com/android/server/WindowManagerService.java中,它的实现比较长,我们分段来阅读: public class WindowManagerService extends IWindowManager.Stub implements Watchdog.Monitor { .....
Server Performance & Activity Monitoring Start Performance Monitor (Windows) Set Up a SQL Server Database Alert (Windows) View the Windows Application Log (Windows) View the SQL Server Error Log Save Deadlock Graphs Open, View, & Print a Deadlock File ...
implements Watchdog.Monitor { ... public void setAppStartingWindow(IBinder token, String pkg, int theme, CharSequence nonLocalizedLabel, int labelRes, int icon, IBinder transferFrom, boolean createIfNeeded) { ... synchronized(mWindowMap) { ... App...
Activity Monitor in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) displays information about SQL Server processes and how these processes affect the current instance of SQL Server. We recommend that you download and install the latest version of SSMS. Activity Monitor is a tabbed document window with the fol...
WindowManagerService类的成员函数setAppStartingWindow定义在文件frameworks/base/services/java/com/android/server/WindowManagerService.java中,它的实现比较长,我们分段来阅读: public class WindowManagerService extends IWindowManager.Stub implements Watchdog.Monitor { ... public void setAppStartingWindow(IBinder token...
Monitoring a server isn't something you should do haphazardly. You need to have a clear plan—a set of goals that you hope to achieve. Let's take a look at the reasons you may want to monitor a server and at the tools you can use to do this. ...