Keywords: Ambient assisted living, forward algorithm, hidden Markov model. 1 Introduction The aging problem is very important for society [1]. Ambient assisted living is one of the ways to solve the problem. There are many ideas for ambient assisted living, such as: robotic and computer for ...
Share your Activity Ideas, Ask ?'s, Help Other with their ?'s, Group Activities, 1 on 1's, In-Room's, Family Involvement... 2.7k posts WEDDING Byandrewellson,April 26, 2022 Activity Charting and Forms Questions and Answers about Resident Documentation, Care Planning, MDS's, Quarterly's...
Share your Activity Ideas, Ask ?'s, Help Other with their ?'s, Group Activities, 1 on 1's, In-Room's, Family Involvement... 2.7k posts Volunteers Bymasonlava,January 8 Activity Charting and Forms Questions and Answers about Resident Documentation, Care Planning, MDS's, Quarterly's, Acti...
The consideration of a paradigm shift is based on a phenomenon that there is an abandonment of current ideas and the adoption of a new way of thinking (Kuhn, 1962). Therefore we speculate that the SHARP Principles Model has the potential to shift current thinking in primary PE towards a ...
Fatigue is barrier of physical activity participation in adults with chronic conditions. However, physical activity alleviates fatigue symptoms. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to (1) synthesise evidence from randomised controlled trials (
Prof. JAGO Russell contributed intellectual input into the main ideas of this paper and assisted with the writing of the manuscript. Prof. YU Shi Chen contributed to the study analyses. Dr. ZHAO Wen Hua directed all aspects of the study, including the design of the study, administration of ...
accuracy, in this case, the study is more than the techniques utilized in the state-of-the-art models of the activity recognition system. This study is more concise and better than previous studies depending on the state-of-the-art, which will provide the fundamental ideas about CNN, HAR,...
I come up with ideas. I put them out there on the calendar and I observe the residents as they're doing it. So, I keep an eye on whether they're interested, whether they're losing interest, and I usually have a backup in the back of my mind to maybe get into a quiz or somethi...
Lifestyle behaviours related to smoking, alcohol, nutrition, and physical activity are leading risk factors for the development of chronic disease. For people in rural areas, access to individualised lifestyle services targeting behaviour change may be i
Gestures: Typically, a gesture is a language or part of the non-verbal communication which can be employed to express significant ideas or orders. The gestures are a second type of activities which may be conscious like “applauding”, and unconscious like “hiding the face with hands when get...