The Restorative Qualities of an Activity-Based, Third Place Café for Seniors: Restoration, Social Support, and Place Attachment at Mather's—More Than a Café Mark S. Rosenbaum, PhD; Jillian C. Sweeney, PhD; Carla Windhorst Abstract This article highlights the restorative qualities of an actual...
At SIRs I am also part of the Book Exchange Group and participate in bridge groups, Wine Tasters, and SIRs at the Opera. Outside of SIRs I am a member of Mountain Shadow, a film society in Walnut Creek showing independent (mostly foreign) films as well as two mystery book groups. My...
The school is recognized as an important setting for promoting children’s health and well-being, based on the capacity of a school to incorporate health- and well-being-related curricula, establish a health- and well-being-related culture, and engage sources outside of the school that influenc...
Last Saturday--April 28th, my classmates and I went to the park near my school. Can you guess what we did there?Not for amusement but to take part in a volunteer labour. We reached the park at nine o'clock. The whole class was divided into three groups. I was in Group Three. grou...
groups who have reach into the targeted demographic such as the NSW Country Women’s Association, Menopause Society, BreastScreen, seniors’ groups and community groups such as Probus. Participants emphasised the power of word-of-mouth recommendations and suggested we build that into the recruitment ...
the incidence of diabetes is approximately 25.2% of the total elderly population in the United States and 12.0 million seniors suffered from diabetes in 2015. As the increase in diabetic patients is associated with a dramatic increase in the cost of diabetes-related complications, direct healthcare...
Oxy-Hb during the letter fluency task was measured by each near-infrared spectroscopy channel for the control group (CTL; blue) and patients with eating disorders (ED; red). Blue and red lines represent significant correlations in the CTL and ED groups respectively. Full size image Figure 4 ...
In addition, they played games with the elderly people and delivered a series of art programs to the welcoming seniors. anactivity英语作文 anactivity 英语作文 an activity 英语作文 All of us are requested to take part in the activity on time which will be held at Sunshine Beach next Friday ...
blood pressure and weight sensors for interaction and adaptive feedback Physical, Social Type of PA: Aerobic, Muscle strengthening Biking indoor exergame, walking game, video exercises Exergames used to persuade seniors to increase physical activity through a social and gaming platform accessible via PC...
121 Attendance adherence, defined as the actual and visited number of training sessions in relation to the total number of offered/recommended training sessions,138,139 was as follows: ∼87%,119 ∼79%,96 77%, and 72% (for the 2 intervention groups, respectively),118 and >50% for 70.2...