push-notificationsapnsvoippushtotalkliveactivity UpdatedFeb 20, 2024 Shell po-gl/Pomodoro Star20 A iOS and watchOS focus timer app 🍅 ioswatchospomodoroliveactivity UpdatedOct 27, 2024 Swift 🧰 A library for interacting with APNs and VoIP using HTTP/2. ...
Performance comparison of cache invalidation strategies for Internet-based mobile ad hoc networks We analyze several push and pull-based cache invalidation strategies for IMANETS. A global positioning system (GPS) based connectivity estimation (GPSCE) ... S Lim,WC Lee,G Cao,... - IEEE 被引量...
Push and pullUpper extremity musclesManual pushing or pulling with a hand tool is a coordinated action by various upper extremity muscles. The objective of this experimental study was to examine the effects of horizontal and vertical hand loads on upper extremity muscle activity during concentric ...
4.flexible die lips, push &pull adjustable活动式模唇,可推拉调节; 5.Study on Multiple Working Mode of Reciprocating Piston Engine;往复活塞式发动机多工作模式的研究 6.Briefly on the Study Pattern of Inquiry in Geography Activity Course;地理活动课“探究式”学习模式初探 7.Designing of "Information Ga...
[2/10] - Have some patches downstream for handling this - Not sure it's the best way to go, so I've been asking for some guidance before moving forward with it * [Helpers] Add "push" capability [TCWG-1141] [2/10] - Almost ready, will send a pull request next week * Misc [2...
其他方法,例如 pushActivity 添加Activity到堆栈,都是自动执行的,不需要手动调用。 异步或同步 有时我们需要等待一段时间执行事务,也有时我们需要从异步线程返回主线程进行 UI 等操作,这时往往需要在线程间进行切换进行操作,但偶尔也会因为执行过程中因 Activity 被关闭等问题出现空指针异常。 此时可以使用 BaseFramework...
GitPullRequestSearchCriteria GitPullRequestStatus GitPush GitPushEventData GitPushRef GitPushSearchCriteria GitQueryBranchStatsCriteria GitQueryCommitsCriteria GitQueryRefsCriteria GitRecycleBinRepositoryDetails GitRef GitRefFavorite GitRefSearchType GitRefUpdate GitRefUpdateMode GitRefUpdateResult GitRefUpdateStatu...
gitPush(jacocoExtension.gitPushShell, "jacoco auto commit") //获取差异方法集 BranchDiffTask branchDiffTask = project.tasks.findByName('generateReport') branchDiffTask.pullDiffClasses() } //对diff方法插入探针 inject(transformInvocation, dirInputs, jarInputs, jacocoExtension.includes) ...
The history of the modern office has been defined by a push and pull between openness and privacy, between tearing down walls and putting up partitions. Despite the headlines that the open office is dying, a modified version of the traditional layout, supported by activity-based working, is ...
一种是启动一个新的Activity来判断权限,获取ActivityForResult的结果. 一种是添加一个Fragment,在Fragment中获取回调,进行解耦合. RxActivityResult,RxPermission采用都是前者,而此处采用了后者,使用Fragment,优点Fragment占用资源更少. 关于适配 AndroidX 查看xlibrary下的代码 ...