The impact of retail-sector delivery of artemether-lumefantrine on malaria treatment of children under five in Kenya: a cluster randomized controlled trial It has been proposed that artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) be subsidised in the private sector in order to improve affordability and ac...
Priority Sector Lending – Categorisation of activities underjyotiEmail thisPrint this
Secondary Trademarks, or be interested in any business that is engaged or involved in any of abovementionedactivities. [...] 其在許可地區就任何第二級商標範圍內產品使用飛利浦第二級商標,而不論是 否就此收取費用或許可使用費;或(ii)在許可地區從事或參與具飛利浦第二級商 ...
· 复杂形 · 卷入形 involved— 紊 · 绕脖子 · 错综 活动名 查看更多用例•查看其他译文 使用DeepL翻译器,即刻翻译文本和文档 随打随译 世界领先的质量 拖放文件 立刻翻译 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) In order to reduce workload of Codex host governments thatwereinvolved in other activities(e.g. Act...
voices of the private sector, civil society and government together to develop and apply evidence-based road safety policy and practice. Since 2020, GRSP has been working shoulder-to-shoulder with Bridgestone under this partnership model to demonstrate leadership in both road safety thinking, and ...
Over the last two decades, the design practice has been expanding to the public sphere to generate solutions for public challenges. In particular, the reflections on the design practice of public sector innovation (PSI) units, working in or with governments, are increasingly contributing to a grow...
which usually differ in both duration and curriculum. While German states traditionally have three different secondary school types in lower secondary education and an additional upper secondary school, educational reforms have led most states to introduce at least one comprehensive secondary school. In ...
For example,activitiesundertaken in conjunction withthebooksector provided Algeria with an opportunity to review the [...] 以书为指导开展的活动使阿尔及利亚得以弄清该部门的情况并且与其他马格里布 国家进行交流。
to nine hours of physical activities a week, while secondary school students have five hours of physical activities a week. 在法國方面,小學有三分之一的時間用於體育教學, 每周有 8小 時至9小時的體育活動,而中學生每周 則有 5 小時 的體 育 活動。 A weekly report ...
and cost effectiveness are critical considerations that influence the extent to which an intervention is adopted, implemented with fidelity, and sustained over time (Klimes-Dougan et al.,2009; Lyon et al.,2018). Therefore, in this study, we added secondary research aims to investigate the percei...