Irregular verbs don't follow the typical verb conjugation pattern, such as leaving the verb intact while adding an "-ed" or "-ing" ending. In fact, these tricksters follow no pattern at all, making them difficult to teach. Learning to conjugate irregular verbs is a matter of memorization,...
Hosting a fake game show can be an exciting way to teach subject-verb agreement. Set up a chart on the board with a few categories, such as "Singular Pronouns," "Plural Verbs" and "Difficult Subjects." Assign point values to each question in the categories based on their difficulty. Ask...
Using Verbs in Sentences:for an extension activity, have the kids write sentences and attach them to the craft. Verb Worksheets This blooming daisies craft isfun ways to teach verbs; it’s about language acquisition in a fun and interactive way. As children cut out the verb words and positio...
True Linking Verbs There are some words that are always linking verbs. These true linking verbs are forms of to be, to become and to seem, and connect the subject to other words, but do not describe the action. Games & Activities to Teach Linking Verbs Register to view this lesson Are ...
Verb Phrases Lesson –This is a good intermediate lesson for students studying verbs. It covers how helping verbs work with main verbs to create verb phrases. Links to the slideshow with and without sound effects are included below. Also, I teach this lesson in a YouTube video embedded af...
Challenge students (with help from their parents) to choose one word and learn its meaning. Their task is to teach the rest of the class the word and meaning. Send a not home encouraging students to memorize and really learn their word and meaning so it will be easy for them to teach ...
This is a Connect 4 style game where two players and a referee attempt to connect four boxes in a row by correctly identifying past simple forms of irregular verbs. Youcanfind further instructions and a copy of theConnect 4 game boardas well as boards for other grammar structures in theFour...
Look! We can paint.Teach the word. 2.Continue with other picture cards to learn other verbs. 3.Chant:Paint,paint,I can paint… 4.创设情景:Gogo变身成一名记者,到学校采访Tony等人,了解他们正在干什么。 在这个情景中学习、操练句型:What are you doing? I’m … 并在句型中学习四个动词-ing形式...
For example: gonna (going + to), lemme (let + me), kinda (kind + of), dunno (don't + know) Causes and Effects in English (Vocabulary and Grammar) In this lesson, you will learn the meanings of cause, effect, and affect. You will also learn how to express cause and effect in ...
Register to view this lesson Are you a student or a teacher? Grammar & Parts of Speech Lesson Plans & Games 8chapters |188lessons Ch 1.Prepositions Lesson Plans &... Ch 2.Teaching Conjunctions in Grammar Ch 3.Verbs Lesson Plans & Activities ...