3. Still another reason to teach upper case letter formation before lower case letters is that many of the uppercase letters transfer to the same lowercase letter in a similar motor plan. The only difference being that the letters are smaller. Uppercase letters that transition to a same or s...
Learning the Letters: Big S Game Introduce your child to the exciting world of letters with the Big S game. This playful adventure helps kids recognize the uppercase S and its sound. Perfect for preschoolers, this game makes learning letters fun and engaging. Kids will explore the alphabet ...
It’s a myth that blindly memorizing every letter in a sight word is the only way to learn it. Thescience of readingtells us that linking sounds and letters in sight word activities is the most effective way for kids’ brains to learn any word. Many common words are easy to tackle usin...
Print out very large letters—up to 3 feet tall. Besides being almost as tall as the child., these letters can be decorated with pictures of objects beginning with that letter. Alphabet cookies— traditional way to teach alphabet letters. Decorate them with icing or sprinkles. Chocolate chip ...
It’s a tricky letter to teach, but we’ve got some fun activities! Every time we do letter X activities, I groan to myself. Why is X even a letter? Couldn’t we just use “ks” and be done with it? (Update: I published this post years ago when my children were young. Now ...
Learning to Trace the Letter C Game Get ready to trace the letter C in this exciting game! Kids will practice tracing both uppercase and lowercase C, boosting their writing skills and letter recognition. With a focus on the sounds of letters like f, n, o, d, c, and h, this game ...
Other schools prefer to use the Zaner-Bloser manuscript, or “ball and stick” writing. Many have adopted the Handwriting Without Tears method. Still others compromise on the two and teach D’nealian or modern manuscript. Whichever method is chosen, it is imperative that the sandpaper letters an...
How to use the word properly And more. Kids can spend many happy hours looking up words they know — or don’t know — and learning about them. Getting Started But before they can do that, you need to teach them how to use a dictionary. While it may seem intuitive to us as adults...
I have a little 3-year old who is starting to learn his letters. He wants to do school just like the big kids, however he really does not have a very long attention span. What I have been doing with him is a letter of the week structure. I created some preschool worksheets for eac...
“Blue”, take a blue crayon, walk over to one circle and color a small part of the circle. Do this for each color you plan to teach. Then, say a color (“Blue”) to a S and s/he should pick up the blue crayon and go over to the circle you colored in blue. Let him/her ...