Friend December 2015“The Restoration Puzzle” Story about how to teach restoration using a puzzle. Friend January 2025 “Come, Follow MeActivities”Puzzle Restoration To restore something means to put it back together. Read “The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: A Bicent...
76. Teach children empathy by learning how it feels to stand in someone else’s shoes. Read more about the activity plus the story that inspired it inthis post.(Pennies of Time) 77. Spread some love and teach children aboutjoyfulnessby creating some beautiful painted heart rocks. See somehe...
Ask the children about times they have done things they know were wrong. Read some important Bible verses about forgiveness, such as Romans 8:1, Ephesians 1:7 and 1 John 1:9. Make the first layer of the wall chart by writing types of sins on separate pieces of paper. Examples might i...
"** It is sometimes challenging to teach children -- especially young children -- about the death of Jesus1. You should use age-appropriate activities to solidify their understandings. Pre-K Very young children do not fully understand the concept of dying. When you explain Jesus dying on the...
Tell children the Biblical story of The Prodigal Son emphasizing the similarity between the father's forgiveness of his son and the way God forgives, even when we make mistakes. Divide children into groups and ask them to come up with an original skit that illustrates the act of making amends...
Use this craft to teach children about crabs or as a decoration for an ocean-themed VBS. This craft is great for children 3rd through 5th grade. There is quite a bit of cutting and gluing involved. A Bible verse card can be placed in the crab's claws to help children to remember to...
Why does it take Haley so long to share about her dad? How do the other kids react when Haley shares her story? Haley’s uncle says to forgive and forget. Haley eventually decides she can forgive but not forget. Who do you agree with? What do you believe about forgiveness? Haley and...
The Captain is there to teach Eddie the next lesson he needs to learn on his journey: sacrifice is a part of life, and it is something to aspire to, not regret. Eddie then finds himself at a diner in the middle of snowy mountains. He sees his father in the diner, but as much as...
I have been a member of your site for almost a year. I used to go for the free lessons prior, but decided last year that I wanted more. I absolutely love, love, love your lessons for Bible Themes! Your site really helps me teach the kids about God in such practical and fun ways ...
“Yes, talk about my sister, my mother, kids, how are they?” Tears drip down my cheeks as I remember them The Godfather waves His hand and the screen changes I could see my loved ones looking strong for me “They have to know I am well here,” I say ...