Why not try some cool, creepy, and not so spooky Halloween activities with your kids! Easy to set up, fun preschool Halloween activities!
100 Activities to Do With Your Preschool ChildHeidi Johnson
Preschool STEM Lessons Packs Why Science Is Important For Preschoolers Kids are curious and always looking to explore, discover, check things out, and experiment to find out why things do what they do, move like they move, or change as they change! Indoors or outdoors, science is amazing!
Literacy activities have always been my go-to with my 3-year-old, but I never thought to combine the two to create a fun preschool alphabet activity. I think you’ll love this combination as much as I do, especially if you want to provide more… ...
Alphabet letter H themed Do-A-Dot pages Color the letter h ActivityThe activities in our art and hands-on learning section include letter h activities for toddlers and preschool children. These activities focus on learning creatively to keep kids engaged.The...
Did you know that you can actually make art from sunshine alone? The preschool children are going to be amazed at the results. Here’s what to do: Supply the pre k kids with one piece of dark construction paper (with their names on the back) and one or two weighted rocks. ...
An ice cream theme is such a fun theme for preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten students. Mainly because they love ice cream but also because it is colorful, fun, and easy to get ideas for. I like to do an ice cream theme in the summer, but it could work any time of the year. ...
For us preschool is all about play, so when we are doing an activity I don’t need to stress my daughter out by requiring her to perform tasks in a preset way. I know that when I provide good opportunities for her, she will learn all the necessary skills. ...
Prosocial behaviors are included in every state's preschool standards and in the goals for Head Start. These behaviors typically include the sharing of materials, taking turns, cooperating with others toward a common goal and empathizing with others. Training in these behaviors starts early and conti...
20+ Color Activities forPreschool Lesson Plansare included in this Preschool Color Unit. Whether you are a preschool or kindergarten classroom teacher, a homeschooling parent, or just searching for some fun color theme activities to do with your child, these lesson plans will be the perfect resou...