In recent decades it has become a common practice for political parties to have active branches operating outside of their countries. The main reason for this practice is to mobilize potential voters living abroad. Israel, however, is a country in which citizens cannot vote abroad yet some ...
It refers to the political activities of the political parties in the long term and party members demonstrated by the formation of a stable political party ruling ideas, values, principles, psychological and ideological orientation and behavior style. ...
dominatedbyactivitiesofpolitical partiesin preparation fortheupcoming constitutional referendum [...] 在本报告所述期间,政治动态主要是各政党为筹备分别定于8 月 23 日和 10 月 11 日举行的立宪公民投票以及总统选举和议会选举而开展的活动。
prohibit the activities of the political parties that had boycotted the elections, but said such parties would not be invited to participate in the new Government unless they recognized the outcome. 2010 年 4 月 20 日,全国大会党一名高级官员宣布,巴希尔总统不会禁止那些抵制选...
The Table of Contents for the Political Parties & Elections - Common Core Lessons and Activities include: Purpose of Political Parties: Reading Informational TextThe Democratic Party: Reading Informational TextThe Republican Party: Reading Informational TextRepublicans and Democrats: Compare and Contrast GO...
Under that law, a national system was established to fund the statutory activities of political parties from existing domestic sources and State funds. 按照该法,设立了全国性的制度,从现有国内资源和国库中,为政党的法定活动供资。 UN-2 In # for which procurement is not a statutory activity, ...
Define Field Activities. Field Activities synonyms, Field Activities pronunciation, Field Activities translation, English dictionary definition of Field Activities. Noun 1. Defense Department - the federal department responsible for safeguarding national
Activities conducted in support of national foreign policy objectives that are planned and executed so that the role of the US Government is not apparent or acknowledged publicly. They are also functions in support of such activities but are not intended to influence US political processes, public ...
political parties are accountable for the activities of their respective youth wings and should ensure [...] 尽管所有有关政党都对各自青 年分支的活动负责,并应确保这 些活动 在法 律范围内进行,但是联尼共(毛主义) 有特殊责任履行承诺,结束共青团暴力活动,并确保这个姐妹组织充分...
participation intheactivitiesofpolitical partiesandextend theirrepresentation in the parties’ governing bodies, on [...] 修改《选举法》旨在鼓励妇女参与政党活动,增加妇女在政党领导机构、代 表候选人及其他国家权力机关及地方自治机关选任职务候选人名单中的代表名 额...