Display a sentence that does not have subject-verb agreement. Ask the students to rewrite the sentence, changing the verb to match the subject. Select students to come to the board and write their sentences for the class to see. Work through the sentences together to make sure all the examp...
Subject Verb Party – Use two colors of index cards, one for the subject and the other for the predicate. Write half of each sentence on a card and hand them out to the class. Students read their cards out loud one at a time before they need to find who holds the missing half of ...
Subject-verb agreement errors can sometimes be difficult to find, especially in written and spoken sentences that sound 'correct.' Take the following sentence for example. Mary, as well as her sisters, are going to the summer camp. While this sentence may sound right, it's actually incorrect...
This activity encourages cooperative learning and reinforces understanding of subject-verb agreement, sentence structure, and parts of speech. Sentence Transformations: Present a sentence and have students rewrite it in a different way, for example, by changing the tense or voice. ...
This section deals with the correct use of words, including negative words, subject and verb agreement, pronoun agreement, and commonly confused words. Click on the category to see or download the worksheets which are free for you to use at home or in the classroom. After viewing our word ...
Avoid adding the modal verb “can,” which Oshiberu notes is a common mistake of English learners. For example, avoid saying something like, “You can turn right on 7th Street.” When listening to your recording, take note of your subject-verb agreement, use of prepositions, use of the ...
LearningObjectives GetfamiliarwiththetopicofleisureactivitiesGainabetterunderstandingofleisureactivitiesindifferentculturesAnalyzethestructureatsentenceandtextlevelsGraspthemeaningofthesuffixes–-al,-icand-icalUnderstandthereadingskill–understandingsupportingdetailsDealwithsubject-verbagreementmistakes “Allworkandnoplaymakes...
4th Grade Reading ELA Smartboard Games and Activities – Main Idea, Elements of a Story, Synonyms, Parts of Speech, Adjectives, Reading Comprehension, Compare and Contrast, Fairy-tales, Punctuation Marks, Subject Verb Agreement 4th Grade Science Smartboard Games and Activities – Parts of the Huma...
News Articles for ESL/EFL Students#40: Proof-Reading and EditingA great way to get students focusing on things like punctuation, spelling, and basic grammar like subject-verb agreement is this proof-reading and editing ESL activity. You give students a paragraph with errors, tell them how many...
aa book used for the study of a subject in school 用于主题的研究的书在学校 [translate] a抓住重点,突破难点 .从认识心理学的角度看,重点是那些在整体中或各层次、各部分中起关键作用,发挥提纲挈领作用的内容。语是动词和介词的语言。在复习中,抓重点就是抓住关键性的东西,抓住大面积的内容,抓住英语交际...