If you are planning to work with a particular theme or concept in the book you are going to read, it is helpful for students to be able to activate what they already know, assume, or feel about that concept. Begin by introducing the concept, which might be something like 'friendship,'...
Scope of Activities The thematic unit for Arthur's Teacher Trouble is focused on siblings. It has strands developed for PreK and Kindergarten, for Primary, for Intermediate, and for ELL students. You will discover a wealth of suggestions and additional readings in each strand that you may well...
The main purpose of this paper is to compare the involvement in voluntary organizations of two non-EU groups of students (of former-Yugoslavian and of Cape
ESL students, young and old, will increase their language skills with this activity, which is most appropriate for students at beginning language levels but can be adapted to students at the intermediate level. It is easy to implement this 'Commands' activity as it simply requires you, the tea...
statements like “I don’t know how” or “This is too hard.” Ask students to help you shift those statements to a growth mindset instead, saying “I don’t know howyet” or “This is hard, but I’ll keep trying.” Use our free bulletin board set for ELL or other classrooms too...
There are several benefits for Dual Language Learners (DLLs) when their home language is integrated into classroom instruction. For example, instruction in students’ home language facilitates the learning of the new language more rapidly and supports bilingualism. One way to enhance young children’s...
Discuss 2-3 differentiation strategies specific to meeting the needs of a Kindergartener from diverse backgrounds (i.e., ELL) for language development. Imagine you are a teacher beginning employment at a school or early childhood program: ...
Courses that typically instruct students in the art of writing a business plan are supported by academic scholarship, appointments, journals, conferences, and doctoral programs. Consequently, the publication of business plan literature for universities escalated beginning in the 1980's. Another large ...
This is a great way to help kids practice and develop their grammar skills in a fun and engaging way. Do you ELL kids need more activities? My students always do! It’s essential that we provide them with plenty of ways to practice their grammar skills for improved language development. ...
Explain to students they are to create a story in the past tense, beginning with 'One time, ___.' You can have students in the group play round-robin style by each contributing a sentence, or you can have each student create a story of his/her own. To ensure students understand...