Registry Key Name SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\AxInstaller\AxISURLZonePolicies ADMX File Name ActiveXInstallService.admx Related articlesPolicy configuration service providerFeedback Was this page helpful? Yes No Provide product feedback English...
I am unable to install Flash Player 11.5.502.149 on Windows 8. The error reported is: Adobe Flash Player 11 ActiveX -- Error 1722. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your ...
När du har installeratMS16-104: säkerhetsuppdatering för Internet Explorer: 13 September 2016 (KB3185319), en installation av ActiveX-kontroll som använder ActiveX Installer Service (AXELN) misslyckas. Så här hämtar du uppdatering...
发现了一个安全问题,攻击者可能会利用该问题来破坏您运行 Visual Studio .NET 2002 Service Pack 1 的 Windows 系统,进而对其进行完全控制。您可以通过安装此 Microsoft 更新来保护计算机。 此更新采用 Windows Instal...
发现了一个安全问题,攻击者可能会利用该问题来破坏运行 Visual Studio .NET 2003 Service Pack 1 的 Windows 系统,进而对其进行完全控制。您可以通过安装此 Microsoft 更新来保护计算机。 此更新采用 Windows Installer 技术,该技术使用内部数据库来...
digiday Explorer , Oct 11, 2012 Copy link to clipboard Copied Hi all, When I try to install the ActiveX plugin with the installer that came with my Flash Player plugin version it gives an error message that says... Error 1722.There is a problem with this Wind...
[MSVBVM60.cab_Installer]file-win32-x86= run=%EXTRACT_DIR%\VBRun60.exe 上面[MSVBVM60.cab_Installer]是一个hook区域,它也包含了一个file值,指定一个URL,表示MSVBVM60.DLL可以从这个URL下载得到;run则说明了执行哪一个文件 这里有必要...
ActiveX-filtrering i Internet Explorer hindrer at nettsteder kan installere og bruke slike apper. Dette kan gjøre deg tryggere når du surfer på nettet, men det kan også påvirke ytelsen på enkelte nettsteder. Når ActiveX-filtrering er aktivert, kan de...
You use the ActiveX Installer Service (AXIS) and Group Policy to manage your ActiveX control deployment. The AXIS-related settings can be changed using either the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) or the Local Group Policy Editor, and include:...
- 设置好所有文件后,点击“下一步”进入“Show windows”界面,选择所需的显示窗口,如“Installer”、“Setup”等。 - 完成设置后,点击“Finish”开始制作CAB文件。3. 添加依赖文件 - 确保所有的依赖文件(如.inf文件、.dll或.ocx文件)都已经被添加到CAB文件中,特别是对于ActiveX控件来说尤为重要。4...