SAPSource SASSStyleSheet Salvar SaveAll SaveAndClose SaveAs SaveFileDialog SaveTable Scaffolding de ScalarFunction ScalarFunctionError ScalarFunctionWarning Escala Gráfico de Dispersão ScatterLineChart ScatterSmoothLineChart ScatterView Esquema SchemaError SchemaProperty SchemaWarning ScissorTest Escopo ScopeRoot...
From your activeX control you really don't have visibility the hosting object. Therefore you wouldn't have access to the SAPGui Automation Controller. That is the level that would be communicating via RFC (and would have callback ability).I supose though there is nothing stopping you from ...
Create a JavaBean that acts on a byte[] (I modified the ArrayBean example that Devananda Jayaraman had provided), package it, register it. Create a VB project (6 or .NET) Add code to create it and call a method that accepts a byte[] (in my example, pickByte) EXPECTED VERSUS ACTUAL...