MakeActiveAsync 方法 参考 反馈 定义 命名空间: Windows.System.Implementation.Holographic 编辑 使系统的全息运行时成为活动运行时。 此 API 仅适用于 Windows 操作系统的组件。 C# 复制 [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.RemoteAsync] public IAsyncAction MakeActiveAsync(); 返回 IAsyncAction ...
[Windows.Foundation.Metadata.RemoteAsync] public IAsyncOperation<bool> TryChangeShuffleActiveAsync(bool requestedShuffleState); 參數 requestedShuffleState Boolean 要切換至的要求隨機狀態。 傳回 IAsyncOperation<Boolean> True 表示成功;否則為 False 屬性 RemoteAsyncAttribute Windows 需求...
I expected that uv_is_active(async_t) would return true just between the call to uv_async_send() and its callback. But if I create an async handle, call to uv_async_init() and run the loop, then uv_is_active(async_t) always returns true (without previously calling to uv_async_s...
Node interaction with ffmpeg in node.js promise style.. Latest version: 2024.11.13, last published: 7 days ago. Start using async-ffmpeg in your project by running `npm i async-ffmpeg`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using async-ffmpeg.
publicSystem.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.VisualStudio.Extensibility.Editor.ITextViewSnapshot?> CreateActiveTextViewAsync (System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary<string,object?> clientContext, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken); ...
2500 (09C4) (RC2500) :MQRC_HCONN_ASYNC_ACTIVE 說明 嘗試在連線啟動時發出 MQI 呼叫。 完成碼 MQCC_FAILED 程式設計師回應
SafariServices Assembly: Xamarin.Mac.dll C# publicvirtualSystem.Threading.Tasks.Task<SafariServices.SFSafariTab> GetActiveTabAsync (); Returns Task<SFSafariTab> Applies to ProductVersions Xamarin.Mac SDK14 In this article Definition Applies to
故障切换是指在ActiveMQ集群中,当某个节点发生故障或不可用时,系统可以自动将消息路由到其他可用节点,确保消息的可靠传递。这种机制可以提高系统的可用性和容错性,保证消息在任何情况下都能被正确处理。 useAsyncSend是指ActiveMQ在发送消息时使用异步发送机制。传统的同步发送方式会阻塞发送线程,直到消息被成功发送或发送...
Eclipse paho based Async MQTT client (subscriber and publisher) plugin for Unreal Engine 5 - FF-Plugins-Active/FF_MQTT_Async
2500 (09C4) (RC2500): MQRC_HCONN_ASYNC_ACTIVE 说明 启动连接时,尝试了发出 MQI 调用。 完成代码 MQCC_FAILED 程序员响应 使用MQCTL 调用停止或暂挂连接,并重试操作。