exodusprime1337, Jan 9, 2024 #2 C ChojiTiger Win User Taskbar bug: switching to another window -will not appear at the front Follow either of these steps to fix the issue with the Active window hiding behind. Method 1: I suggest you to disable window by hovering over it with the...
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mSDS-LockoutObservationWindowINTEGER8 indicando o número de nanossegundos dentro dos quais foi preciso que logons com falha consecutivos ocorressem para disparar o bloqueio. mSDS-LockoutDurationINTEGER8 indicando o número de nanossegundos em que a conta foi bloqueada. ...
$DesktopUrl = "DesktopImageUrl" $StatusValue = "1" $url = "https://call4cloud.nl/example.jpg" Md c:\MDM -force $DesktopImageValue = "C:\MDM\wallpaper.jpg" $directory = "C:\MDM\" If ((Test-Path -Path $directory) -eq $false) ...
<updated>2024-08-10T19:35:52Z</updated> I'm trying to build an x64dbg plugin in visual Studio, but I keep getting the errors: <blockquote> 'getField': identifier not found** and **unnamed class used in typedef name cannot declare members other than non-static data members, member ...
in Windows 10 Software and Apps Bought new digital license of Windows 11 Home and cannot activate it: Hello,Today I bought a digital license of Windows 11 Home in the official Microsoft store. When I am trying to enter the key into the activation window it says I recently changed my har...
F10(suspend/resume process). F12(on/off borderless fullscreen). F11(un/lock mouse cursor in active window). Pause(ALT+F4/hold restarts PC). Control 4button Mouse with keyboard. Insert a character by long pressing the key. LWin(CTRL+F, hold/double shows/h