Comparison of active vertical damping and passive vertical damping 由表3可知, 垂向平稳性指标明显下降, 说明垂向减振器采用滑模控制后, 曲线线路在实现了主动倾摆的同时也可抑制车体的垂向振动. 天棚阻尼对曲线通过安全性无影响, 但对振动的控制效果不佳. 采用滑模控制后, 轮轴横向力和脱轨系数略微增大, 但仍...
and the Cimmerian margins being passive. Although the eo- Cimmerian event has clearly been recognised in the Taurus, little is known on the location of the Palaeotethys suture, most likely largely subducted during the Alpine tectonic events, starting with a major Late Cretaceous ophiolitic obduction...