The difference between active vs. passive voice is that active voice describes someone doing something, while passive voice describes someone having something done to them. For example, “He gave her a new coat” is active voice, while “She was given a new coat” is passive voice. Most of...
If you’re wondering how to write in active voice for past tense and present tense, the process is the same. With the past tense, a passive sentence like “The documents were shredded by John” will change to “John shredded the documents” in its active form. The present tense sentence ...
Learn what active voice is, how to use it, and see examples. Improve your writing by mastering and applying active voice effectively.
Dive even deeper into the active voice here. Active voice examples The following sentences all use the active voice. You’ll notice that in each one the subject is the one performing the action described by the verb. The pitcherthrewthe baseball. ...
Active and Passive Voice Examples with Answers of Past Continuous Tense Active:Nitika was painting the wall. Passive:The wall was being painted by Nitika. Active:Manish was repairing the car. Passive:The car was being repaired by Manish. ...
Examples and definition of an Active and Passive Voice. In English, we can use active or passive verbs to determine the focus of a sentence. These form the voices of a sentence: the active voice and the passive voice.
That’s not to say that you should always avoid the passive voice; there are times when using it canimprove your stories. So let’s go over a few examples. When to use the passive voice All of the passive sentences we’ve seen so far have been what’s known as long passive. This ...
Active Voice Active voice is a form in which the subject is typically a person or a thing performing an action on the verb, i.e. the subject of the sentence acts on the verb. It is a very direct voice. Somebody does some action. Example: Cats catch rats. Here, cats is the subjec...
appropriatetense)+pastparticiple(ofthemainverb)Theterroristwasarrestedearlythismorning.ToyotacarsaremadeinJapan.AnewclassrepresentativewillbechosenonMonday.NBTheseexamplesshowthatapassivesentencecanbeinwhatevertenseyoulike.Thetenseoftheverbtobechangestogivedifferenttensesinthepassive.Page6 YourLogo Le...
Active voice- Simple present tense rules Sentence: I eat food. In the above sentenceIis thesubject,eatis theverbandfoodis theobject. 1stform of verb: eat, 2ndform of verb: ate, 3rdform of verb: eaten Positive sentence (I, We, They, You) as a subject...