(Convert to Passive) The TV set has already been mended. People will need more public transport in the near future. (Convert to Passive) More public transport will be needed in the near future. You should not replace the roof at the beginning of winter. (Convert to Passive) T...
【题目】2)Complete the sentences with proper tenses, Use the active or passive voice as required1. My mother usually(leave) home for work at 7:20 in the morning.2. Don't leave the classroom until the teacher(come).3. Smoking (not allow) in the mecting room.4. Tables(usually/make)...
My Car’s Been Stolen! This is acodebreaking activityto show the passive in use with a variety of different tenses. It may well spark questions about different tense use, so be prepared. Passive Party This is a fun activity to practise past simple activities with some damage related vocabula...
Most of the time, users should avoid the passive voice. The passive voice can make the speaker or writer seem indirect and weak. Which would you rather hear: "I love you" (active voice) or "You are loved by me" (passive voic...
Passive voice in the simple present and past tenses We use the active voice when it is important to know who performs the action.Volunteer doctors do operations on the plane.We use the passive voice when. it is obvious who performs the action.The plane is used as a training centre.. we...
Learn how to change passive voice to active voice. Discover the active voice and passive voice rules, and study examples of passive and active...
教材原文课文翻译Passive voice in the simple present andpast tensesWe use the active voice when it is important to know当知道谁执行了动作很重要时,我们使用主动语态。who performs the action.Volunteer doctors do operations on the plane.志愿者医生在飞机上做手术。We use the passive voice when我们使用...
Future tense- Compare to active voice paro, parare, paravi,paratum 1st Singular Plural 1st parabor parabimur 2ndparabEris parabimini 3rd parabitur parabuntur mitto, mittere, misi, missum 3rd 1st mittAr mittemur 2ndmitteris mittemini 3rdmittetur mittentur habeo, habere, habui, habitus 2nd Si...
Active and passive voice for verbs:主动和被动语态的动词.ppt,Basic Scientific Writing in English Lecture 7Professor Ralph KirbyFaculty of Life SciencesExtension 7323Room B322 Active and passive voice for verbs Inter-converting tenses between English and
Passive voice in the simple present and past tensesWe use the active voice when it is important to knowwho performs the action.Volunteer doctors do operations on the plane.We use the passive voice when it is obvious who performs the action.The plane is used as a training centre. we do ...