Active and passive voice, worksheets, rules, examples (PDF): You must have the knowledge of active and passive sentences (What is… Latest Posts The Importance of Choosing the Right SIP Calculator January 23, 2025 Discover the Unique Features of Dive Bomb Industries’ Decoy Lineup ...
WhentoUsePassiveVoiceIngeneral,thepassivevoiceislessdirect,lessforceful,andlessconcisethantheactivevoice.Usethepassivevoiceinthefollowingsituations:Usepassivevoicewhenyoudonotknowordonotwanttorevealtheperformerofanaction.Usepassivevoicewhenyouwanttoemphasizethereceiverofanaction. ExamplesAwkwardPassive:Mybicyclewasrepain...
A passive voice sentence is one in which the agent, or doer of the action, is hidden in a prepositional phrase or left out altogether. In most cases, avoid the passive voice.
prose. 8 WhentoUsePassiveVoice Ingeneral,thepassivevoiceislessdirect,lessforceful,andlessconcisethantheactive voice. Usethepassivevoiceinthefollowingsituations: Usepassivevoicewhenyoudonotknowor donotwanttorevealtheperformerofan action. Usepassivevoicewhenyouwantto emphasizethereceiverofanaction. 9 Examples...
voice. ChineseisspokenbyusinChina. Theactivevoiceischangedtopassivevoice Thesubjectoftheactivevoiceisthesubjectofthepassive voice. Theverbbecomes"thepastparticipleofthe"beplusandthe verb"andexpressesthedifferenttensesthroughthechangeof be. Thesubjectoftheactivevoicebecomestheobjectofthe ...
In each of these examples, the passive voice makes sense because the agent is relatively unimportant compared to the action itself and what is acted upon. Changing Passive to Active Voice If you want to change a passive-voice sentence to active voice, find the agent in a "by the..." phr...
What is active voice and passive voice? What’s the difference between active voice and passive voice? Should you write in active voice or passive voice? How to change active voice to passive voice Active voice and passive voice examples Active voice and passive voice FAQs What is active voi...
I was driving my car. I was teaching 16 students. I was reading Metro. Present Perfect I have driven my car. I have taught 16 students. I have read Metro. PASSIVE: To fous on the receiver of the action. Simple Present My cae is driven by me. ...
active and passive voice 被动语态 DBS2B ACTIVEANDPASSIVEVOICE ActiveVoice,PassiveVoice Therearetwospecialformsforverbscalledvoice:•• 1.Activevoice2.Passivevoice •Theactivevoiceisthe"normal"voice.Thisisthevoicethatweusemostofthetime.Youareprobablyalreadyfamiliarwiththeactivevoice.Intheactivevoice,the...
Learn the definition of active and passive voice, identify their difference, and examine when to use them. Find examples of active and passive...