Use active verbs to describe your accomplishments. For example, instead of saying “I was responsible for,” you could say “I achieved.” Use active verbs to describe your goals and objectives. For example, instead of saying “We hope to,” you could say “We plan to.”...
LearningobjectivesToreadandtalkaboutactivelearningToreadforgeneralunderstandingToidentifythemainthemeofeachparagraphandlabelthemwithsubheadingsTopresentasuggestionaboutactivelearningTocompleteasummaryofthetext Activelearnersusually…take(neat)noteslovereadingandobservingask(high-quality)questions(willingly)listentodifferentpoint...
these are the easiest to quantify.Objectives with verbs such as “define,”“classify,” and “demonstrate” abound.Elementary children are often asked to estimate, explain, paraphrase, match or label in their learning experiences.These are the verbs that typify the lower leve...
To further support your students' note-taking journey, consider exploring our collection of blank outline templates for note taking specifically designed for various subjects and topics. These templates can be easily customized to suit your teaching objectives and your students' needs. By providing them...
Suspect – drive – dive – race – borrow, what is odd one in it? Borrow is the word which is used only as a verb. The remaining words are used as verbs and nouns What are the two longest words in the English language that can be typed using only your left hand? Stewardesses,...
“learning by doing” in an interactive way, that is, providing student-centered teaching in order to make such an approach more beneficial to the student and, conditioning them to obtain the expected competences in the industry. Methods: The strategies to carry out the research were as follows...
For this reason, the present study considers it opportune to address two objectives: (1) to describe and analyze the effects of the application of a program of active breaks associated with learning of curricular content (CF-AB) on the levels of attention, concentration and academic performance;...