In 2017 and 2022, the Department for Transport (DfT) published cycling and walking investment strategies. These set out objectives for increasing rates of active travel in England by 2025 and beyond and funding to support investment in active travel initiatives. DfT owns active travel policy, but ...
Each of the 10 districts has its own subgroup (egWalkRide Bolton) who work with Local Councils to promote active travel initiatives. Find out more. The Ramblers This nation-wide charity aims to promote walking for leisure, helping to get more people outside and active, whether in their ...
Initiatives to change the social norms around cycling may be required to increase active travel rates.doi:10.1186/s12889-023-15573-3Jessiman, Patricia E.Bristol Medical School, Department of Population Health Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, UKRowe, Rosie E....
This article examines the relationship of the built environment to physical activity in suburban multifamily housing developments in a medium-sized city, testing Alfonzo's (2005) model of decisions regarding active travel. All complexes were within one-quarter mile of a shopping area with a major ...
Our key variables of interest included the remoteness of the LGA, the document type, the action-type of the policy, the mode of active travel targeted by the policy (e.g. ‘walking’, ‘cycling’), the number of policy items extracted from each document, and the key functions of the ...
School interventions aimed at increasing PA often emphasize activities in classrooms and during school breaks [6] but can also focus on promoting active school travel (AST). Several initiatives, such as Walking School Buses [8, 9], Safe Routes to School [10, 11], and cycle training programs...
School interventions aimed at increasing PA often emphasize activities in classrooms and during school breaks [6] but can also focus on promoting active school travel (AST). Several initiatives, such as Walking School Buses [8, 9], Safe Routes to School [10, 11], and cycle training programs...
This makes it easy for both residents and visitors to travel to other areas of the country. Affordable Electricity With energy costs escalating nationwide, businesses are on the hunt for ways to cut their energy bills. In Silicon Valley, the situation is more pronounced. Here, companies can ...
Kristen Jones of Norfolk County Council gave us information about funding initiatives and strategies in England to promote active travel. We are also grateful to Andy Jones and Karen Milton of UEA who helped shape our wider protocol and study objectives. Three diligent reviewers gave...
Travel and the built environment: a synthesis. Transport Res Rec J Transport Res Board. 2010;1780(1):87–114. Article Google Scholar Handy S. Enough with the ‘Ds’ already—let’s get back to ‘A.’ Transfers Magazine. 2018; 1: 24–26. https:/...