When considering using passive voice, be mindful that it can create confusion about who performed the action. If this detail is important, you may want to reconsider. Here’s a tip: You don’t have to guess whether you’re using certain words correctly or breaking grammar rules in your wri...
passiveactive voice grammar dr art fricke contact :passiveactive语音语法博士佛瑞克接触的艺术上传人:e*** IP属地:湖北 上传时间:2021-08-06 格式:PPT 页数:15 大小:60.50KB 积分:16 举报 版权申诉 已阅读5页,还剩10页未读, 继续免费阅读 版权说明:本文档由用户提供并上传,收益归属内容提供方,若...
Voice 语态(Voices)用来表示主语与谓语之间的关系,它是动词一种形式。英语中有两种语态:主动语态(Active Voice)和被动语态(Passive Voice)。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,而被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。 一、主动语态与被动语态的转换...
1. The fridge was sold at a low price. 2. My camera was stolen from my hotel room. 3. Where were the photos of these wolves taken? 4. They were warned not to climb the mountain in bad weather. 5. The book was translated into different languages by different writers. 1. **分析句...
Voice 语态(Voices)用来表示主语与谓语之间的关系,它是动词一种形式。英语中有两种语态:主动语态(Active Voice)和被动语态(Passive Voice)。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,而被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。 一、主动语态与被动语态的转换...
Learn how to change passive voice to active voice. Discover the active voice and passive voice rules, and study examples of passive and active voice sentences. Updated: 11/21/2023 Table of Contents What Does Active Voice Mean in Writing? Active Voice and Passive Voice Rules for Use How to...
Voiceistheformaverbtakesto indicatewhetherthesubjectof theverbperformsorreceivesthe action. • Therearetwotypesofvoice: activevoiceandpassivevoice. 2 ActiveVoice • ActiveVoice–indicatesthatthe subjectoftheverbisacting • Becausethesubjectdoesor"acts ...
Grammar: Active Passive Voice你可能也会喜欢 English Grammar - Practice 英语语法: 动词 - 学习英语&练习写作 English Grammar-IELTS,GRE,PTE Phrasal Verbs - Phrase 教育
Active vs Passive Voice:主动与被动语态 Active vs. Passive Voice Active or Passive? Is he being active or passive? Active or Passive? Active or passive? Active vs. Passive Verbs Sentences with active verbs are more exciting than those with passive verbs. A verb is active if the subject of ...
ACTIVE VOICE: Kristen wrote the report (the subject, Kristen, acts). PASSIVE VOICE: The report was written by Kristen (the subject, the report, was acted upon). Active and Passive Voice When you use the ACTIVE VOICE, you achieve greater precision when you answer ...