Passive Voice LinksWriting Center, University of North Carolina This is by far the best explanation of how the passive voice works, or does not work, in sentences. It discusses myths, different contexts where the passive voice is often used but not appropriate, and legitimate uses of the ...
I have spent a lot of time talking about what passive voice is and how to spot it, which means there isn’t much room left to talk about how to fix it. Don’t worry, though. The reason I wrote it this way is because when you know how to spot it, fixing it becomes so easy it...
Explanation: The Reds caught the fish --- Active The meal was cooked by the Greens --- Passive Synthesis Sometimes we need to switch from one form to the other, i.e. active voice to passive voice, and vice versa. In such cases, pay attention to the tenses. Question 7: Jimmy flew t...
1. The passive and active voice in English and Chinese The wide use of the passive is considered to be one of the outstanding features of the English language, especially in scientific works. Some linguists studied the passive sentences in English literary works and found that the doer of the...
Whatis“voice”andwhyshouldyoucare?Somedetailedexplanationforwhatgrammatical“voice”is,whyy’alloftenuseawkwardpassivevoicesentences,andhowtoeditthiseffectively.Thisslideshowwillhelpyouif:You’vegottenalotof“awk”orespecially“awkpass”commentsonyourwriting.Copyright2012ArtFricke ACTIVEandPASSIVEVoice “Voice”...
Grammar Express: Active and Passive Voice is the complete course in mastering transformation of sentences, a process which enables you to change a sentence from…
Explanation: The team - Subject Made - verb Many great discoveries - Object Now, the object has become the subject. So “Many great discoveries” is the subject now. Option 2 is wrong as the sentence is still in the active voice. Option 1 is wrong as the word ‘many’ refers to the...
Topic 16 the Passive and Active Voice in Translation.doc,Topic 16 the Passive and Active Voice in Translation 教学目的:掌握主、被动语态的译法 教学重难点:英汉主、被动语态的相互转换 教学方法:技巧讲解与翻译实例及实践相结合 教学参考书:郭著章,《英汉互译
(2)meansmoreorlessthesameasTheHazeltonpoliceofferednopublicexplanation.Eachofthefourtransitivepatternsfoundinactivedeclarativesentences(cf.section1.9)hasa passivecounterpart:SΡ O—»S Ρ (A)(3a)Herfellowpassengersmighthavesavedher.(3b)Shemighthavebeensaved(byherfellowpassengers).S Ρ OiOd-»S Ρ Od...