An efficient method of combining detection and identification of seafloor objects using Gavia AUV This paper describes a method of dynamically searching for objects on the seabed using side-scan sonar images. Traditionally this has been a two step proce... H Johannsson,T Thorhallsson,H Hafsteinsso...
Active, optical range imaging sensors collect three-dimensional coordinate data from object surfaces and can be useful in a wide variety of automation applications, including shape acquisition, bin picking, assembly, inspection, gaging, robot navigation, medical diagnosis, and cartography. They are uniqu...
Using the measurement mode provided by the viewpoint software, the altitude information of the object is extracted according to the acoustic shadow information and the echo distance in a single sonar image.doi:10.1016/j.apacoust.2020.107459Zhijie Tang...
Active electrolocation organ of weakly electric fish act as a proximity detection system with high accuracy in recognizing object parameters such as size and shape. In contrast, some fish with passive electrolocation organ are able to detect objects at a
In Yongle islands and Qilianyu area of the South China Sea, WorldView-2 (WV2) 4 bands multispectral images and ATLAS data were used to carry out the active-passive fusion bathymetry, and the ALB and sonar data were used to evaluate the accuracy. Experimental results show that the internal...
A channel adaptive active sonar is disclosed, wherein the sonar transmit waveform is adaptively selected in accordance with the measured sonar channel scattering function to reduce the response of the
Intheroboticsandcomputervisionliterature,theterm “activesensor”generallyreferstoasensorthattransmits (generallyelectromagneticradiation,e.g.,radar,sonar, ultrasound,microwavesandcollimatedlight)intotheenvironment andreceivesandmeasuresthereflectedsignals.
In Yongle islands and Qilianyu area of the South China Sea, WorldView-2 (WV2) 4 bands multispectral images and ATLAS data were used to carry out the active-passive fusion bathymetry, and the ALB and sonar data were used to evaluate the accuracy. Experimental results show that the internal...
Active contour models (ACMs), which have been widely used in remote sensing image segmentation due to their ability to accurately locate object outlines, have seldom been used for oil spill detection in ship-borne radar images. ACMs can be divided into parametric and geometric ACMs, based on di...
In general, the detection of underwater targets is up to the decision of a trained sonar console operator. This underwater target detection method can be inaccurate because it requires the sonar operator to continuously monitor the console screen. In addition, it is difficult to continuously ...