DASH compliant systems will send and receive data over ports 623 for HTTP and 664 for HTTPS. The Keyboard-video-mouse (KVM) session can run either over the above redirection ports (16994 or 16995) or over the customary RFB (VNC Server) port - 5900. The type of information sent over the...
You left out any LDAC compliant headphones and so utterly failed at any definition of best. LDAC isn't true hi res but is is better than any of the other available codecs. If you are going to talk Bluetooth and sound quality, It starts in the codec and then the performance quality of...
attribute in the tables above refer to a bit mask. The userAccountControl attribute is a 32-bit integer where each bit corresponds to a different setting. To check if a specific bit is set, you "OR" the userAccountControl value with the bit mask. A non-zero result means ...
Explore Python solutions with ActiveState. Discover tips, tutorials, and best practices for secure, efficient Python development.
# Use bash for the shell SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"] # Create a script file sourced by both interactive and non-interactive bash shells ENV BASH_ENV /home/user/.bash_env RUN touch "${BASH_ENV}" RUN echo '. "${BASH_ENV}"' >> ~/.bashrc # Download and ...
A defaults to ActiveMQ default protocol, OpenWire. You can also use AMQP 1.0. In theory, it should work with all AMQP 1.0 compliant brokers. It does not work with older versions of AMQP. $a -A -b "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672" -p "foobar" q ...
But when generated via reverse engineering using a binary scanner, the result can fail to identify all dependencies exposing the organization to non-compliance risks.The ActiveState difference ActiveState’s SLSA3-compliant platform helps you stay current and compliant with industry regulations by ...
Acronym for Root Directory Service Entry (or Root DS Entry), an object required of all LDAP compliant directories (such as Active Directory). Exposes a set of properties that are characteristic of the directory. See RootDSE.RSATAcronym for Remote Server Administration Tools. See Remote Server ...
Intelligent car: Steering wheel integrated with AE-Skin makes it possible to naturally monitor drivers’ physiological and behavioral parameters such as hand pressure and grip position. In cases of non-compliant or fatigued driving, the smart steering wheel activates vibration warnings. AE-Skin can al...
is compliant with Data Protection Laws. For the purposes of this Product Attachment, “Data Protection Laws” means all local, state, federal and foreign privacy, security, marketing and consumer protection laws and regulations applicable to the processing of Participant Information. Active will proce...