Note that although either a declarative or a procedural learning mechanism can be used to acquire this task successfully, the use of these types of mnemonic strategies predicts different choice behavior on the critical probe trial. Thus, rats that used declarative knowledge of the spatial location ...
However, the learning time of the algorithm is altered because it needs to learn multiple harmonic components; this is a weakness [16,17]. By adding a learning rate in the updating algorithm, an improvement (Modified Widrow–Hoff (W-H) ADALINE) is made to the algorithm's extraction of ...
5.2. Control Algorithms of Multilevel Inverter-Based SAPF Basically, the control strategies applied in multilevel inverter-based SAPF are similar to that applied in a SAPF which utilizes a standard two-level voltage source inverter (VSI) where they both operate based on three consecutive control...
3.3. Active Approaches Currently, in active approaches sensor node debugging is performed using a combination of simulation, visualisation tools, log file interrogation, passive monitoring and tracing programs. Simulations [81,82] help to reduce cost, the length of the deployment cycle, and thereafter...
Still, some differences can be seen on both the HS/WS detection and on the comparative analysis of the three sequences (file S2 on support information). The N-terminus seems by far the most distinct portion of this PPI on the three GSs. The only coinciding HS/WS found were R41 and ...
On the other hand, a different type of hybrid controller using several control strategies such as H-infinity technique, sliding mode control, and fuzzy model were suggested in [5]. The H-infinity inequality function was modified following the sum and integration of the prescribed attenuation value...