For those of you that are unfamiliar, Read Across America was created by the National Education Association to, “help you motivate kids to read, bring the joys of reading to students of all ages, and make all children feel valued and welcome.” A lot of schools use Dr. Suess as a hug...
Multifunctional nanomaterials can simultaneously be used for diagnostic and therapy in a relatively young field called theranostics [172]. Then, radiotracers incorporated into nanomaterials make them useful as novel medical imaging agents, with the ability to penetrate through several biological barriers, ...
III. Another mechanism could be pore filling, which is basically a physical process wherein small-size ASA molecules diffuse into the meso/macro pores of the adsorbent [88]. IV. Another possible mechanism may be Lewis’s acid–base interaction, where NH2 of CBZ functions as Lewis’s base, ...