public ActiveDirectoryAuthenticationProvider (Func<Microsoft.Identity.Client.DeviceCodeResult,System.Threading.Tasks.Task> deviceCodeFlowCallbackMethod, string applicationClientId = default); 参数 deviceCodeFlowCallbackMethod Func<DeviceCodeResult,Task> 要用于“Active Directory 设备代码流”身份验证的回调方法...
如果虚拟网络需要客户端用户证书身份验证(例如,使用 X.509 用户证书的 clientTLS 身份验证),则必须启用 TCP 端口 49443 进行入站访问。创建到本地的连接需要连接到本地才能在 Azure 中部署 DC。 可以使用以下选项之一将本地基础结构连接到 Azure 基础结构:点...
For information about all the special identity groups, see Special Identities.Default security groupsDefault groups, such as the Domain Admins group, are security groups that are created automatically when you create an Active Directory domain. You can use these predefined groups to help control ...
验证Program Files 文件夹是否包含名为Microsoft Identity Integration Server的子文件夹。 如果子文件夹存在,则必须将文件夹重命名为Microsoft标识集成Server_Old。 重新运行安装程序。 其他错误消息的疑难解答 可以在事件查看器查看所有目录同步日志记录。 若要查看与目录同步相关的所有事件,请执行以下步骤: ...
OpenID Connect (OIDC) 是在 OAuth 2.0 上构建的身份验证协议。 可以使用 OIDC 安全地将用户登录到应用程序。 此 Web 应用示例使用Microsoft Identity Web。 Microsoft Identity Web 是一组 ASP.NET Core 库,可简化向 Web 应用添加身份验证和授权支持的过程。
Windows Identity Foundation maps the Name claim to the property. Any other claims Not used by Microsoft Dynamics 365.Supported security token typesMicrosoft Dynamics 365 (online & on-premises) support two types of SAML tokens:
new X509CertificateEndpointIdentity(new X509Certificate2("AdfsStsPubicKeyOnly.cer"))); WSTrustClient trustClient = new WSTrustClient(fedBinding, adfsStsEpr, TrustVersion.WSTrustFeb2005, null); //Create a security token request RequestSecurityToken rst = new RequestSecurityToken(RequestTypeConstants....
*/ public Future<AuthenticationResult> acquireToken(final String resource, final String clientId, final String username, final String password, final AuthenticationCallback callback) { if (StringHelper.isBlank(resource)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("resource is null or empty"); } if (...
ASA(Adaptive Security Appliance)의 RA VPN 컨피그레이션 ASA의 RADIUS 컨피그레이션 Identity Services Engine(ISE) AD(Active Directory) Duo 애플리케이션 사용되는 구성 요소 이 문서의 정보는 다음 소프트웨어 및 ...
(LDAP) path: cn=NTDS Settings, cn=ServerName, cn=Servers, cn=SiteName, cn=Sites, cn=Configuration, dc=ForestRootDomain. The server object identity is stored in theobjectGUIDattribute of the NTDS Settings object. The identity of the server object never changes. However, the identity...