ActiveDirectorySchema 属性 方法 Dispose FindAllClasses FindAllDefunctClasses FindAllDefunctProperties FindAllProperties FindClass FindDefunctClass FindDefunctProperty FindProperty GetCurrentSchema GetDirectoryEntry GetSchema RefreshSchema ActiveDirectorySchemaClass ...
打开Active Directory 用户和计算机 在导航窗格中选择“用户”容器 在详细信息窗格中右键单击“密钥管理员”,然后选择“属性” 选择“成员 > ”“添加...” 在输入要选择的对象名称文本框中,键入adfssvc。 选择“确定” 选择“确定”以返回到Active Directory 用户和计算机 ...
public ActiveDirectoryPropertiesAccountType accountType() 获取accountType 属性:指定 Azure 存储的 Active Directory 帐户类型。 Returns: accountType 值。azureStorageSid public String azureStorageSid() 获取azureStorageSid 属性:指定 Azure 存储的安全标识符 (SID) 。 Returns: azureStorageSid 值。domain...
Delete Active Directory User accounts Delete User Objects Update Active Directory User accounts Read All Properties Write All Properties Note: If only a subset of the properties are to be managed from Waveset, then Read/Write access can be given to just those properties. Change/Reset AD ...
Specifically, members of this security group:Can use all the features that are available to the Users group. Can view real-time performance data in Performance Monitor. Can change the Performance Monitor display properties while viewing data. Can't create or modify Data Collector Sets....
ActiveDirectoryPropertieswithNetBiosDomainName(String netBiosDomainName) Set 指定 NetBIOS 域名。 方法继承自java.lang.Object java.lang.Object.clonejava.lang.Object.equalsjava.lang.Object.finalizejava.lang.Object.getClassjava.lang.Object.hashCodejava.lang.Object.notifyjava.lang.Object.notifyAlljava.lang....
To make it easier to find information, the telephone directory is structured to look up information in multiple ways. You can look up someone’s name and then view his or her telephone number, or you can search for entries using other attributes, such as using the yellow pages and viewing...
Active-Directory信息收集手册 信息收集 常用命令 Net use Net view Tasklist /v Ipconfig /all net group /domain 获得所有域用户组列表 net group "domain admins" /domain 获得域管理员列表 net group "enterprise admins" /domain 获得企业管理员列表 net localgroup administrators /domain 获取域内置...
Under System Properties, add the server to the 2008 R2 domain. (See Figure 4-14.) Once added, the Server 2012 machine is listed in the Computers container in the Server 2008 R2. Figure 4-14. Adding Server 2012 to a Server 2008 R2 domain Managing Active Directory The Active Directory ...
These classes and attributes define all possible types of objects and object properties within the forest. Every DC in the entire forest has a replica of the schema partition. ▪ The configuration partition replicated identically on all DCs throughout the forest, contains Active Directory's ...