PS C:\> New-ADUser -Name "AD User" -GivenName AD -Surname User -SamAccountName ad.user -UserPrincipalName -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString password@123 -AsPlainText -Force) -PassThru 3、Computer Objects(计算机对象) 计算机对象代表加入域并由用户用于登录域的机器。...
要获取Active Directory域中所有组的详细信息,我们可以使用以下命令: PS C:\Users\scarred.monk> Get-ADGroup -f * | Select-Object name name --- Administrators Users Guests Print Operators Backup Operators Replicator Remote Desktop Users Network Configuration Operators Performance Monitor Users Performance Lo...
Active Directory 对象 Active Directory 对象是一组表示域中资源的属性。每个 Active Directory 对象都由唯一的 SID(安全标识符)标识,被用来允许或拒绝对域中各种资源的访问。让我们讨论一些属于 Active Directory 的 AD 对象。 2、User Objects (用户对象) 用户对象被分配给域用户帐户,用于获取域资源的访问权限。如...
The Get-ADUser cmdlet gets a specified user object or performs a search to get multiple user objects.The Identity parameter specifies the Active Directory user to get. You can identify a user by its distinguished name (DN), GUID, security identifier (SID), or Security Account Manager (SAM) ...
To access an Active Directory object, you must find a Windows domain controller and then bind to the object in the directory.This section describes how a snap-in accesses a user object's properties and attributes when that displays its own property page.When...
extendsActiveDirectoryObject,HasInner<>,Updatable<Update> Azure AD 用户的不可变客户端表示形式。 方法摘要 展开表 方法详细信息 mail public abstract String mail() Returns: 用户邮件 mailNickname ...
Active Directory的用户属性说明 Active Directory的用户属性说明 Active Directory中User对象属性 User Object User Interface Mapping The following tables identify the property pages supplied by the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in. Each table identifies the user interface elements of the property ...
Active Directory的用户属性说明 Active Directory中User对象属性 User Object User Interface Mapping The following tables identify the property pages supplied by the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in. Each table identifies the user interface elements of the property page and the Active Directory ...
Then pass this object to the Instance parameter of the New-ADUser cmdlet to create the new Active Directory user object. Note: Specified attributes are not validated, so attempting to set attributes that do not exist or cannot be set raises an error. Expand table Type: ADUser Position: ...
ObjectInDs: NetpModifyComputerObjectInDs failed: 0x216d mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss:ms NetpProvisionComputerAccount: LDAP creation failed: 0x216d mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss:ms NetpProvisionComputerAccount: Retrying downlevel per options mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss:ms NetpManageMachineAccoun...