Be notified by email when an Active Directory user account is locked out, this powershell script will grab the most recent lockout event and send you an email notification. Requires a Windows 2008+ domain controller and an email system accepting a relay from the DC. 1$Event=Get-EventLog-Log...
比如一个账户,他的 userAccountControl 属性只有 LOCKOUT 和 NOT_DELEGATED 这两个位有值,其他的位都没有,那这个用户的 userAccountControl 属性的值就为 0x100000+0x0010,是个32 位 INT 类型。 现在,如果我要搜索域内所有设置了 NOT_DELEGATED 位的所有对象,那么像之前那样简单的 LDAP 搜索语法肯定是不行了。...
十进制: 1909 - ERROR_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUT (账户当前已被锁定,不允许登录The referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to.) LDAP[userAccountControl: <bitmask=0x00000010>] - LOCKOUT 注释: 即便是输入了错误的密码也可能返回此值...
指定需要 homeDirectory 属性。 L (ADS_UF_LOCKOUT, 0x00000010) 指定帐户暂时锁定。 NR (ADS_UF_PASSWD_NOTREQD, 0x00000020) 指定密码长度策略(如 [MS-SAMR] 部分所示)不适用于此用户。 CC (ADS_UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE, 0x00000040) 指定用户无法更改他/她的密码。 ET (ADS_UF_ENCRYPTED_...
net user s.wolf /domain 您可以使用以下命令更改默认 AD 密码策略的设置: Set-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy -Identity -MinPasswordLength 10 -LockoutThreshold 3. 如何为 Active Directory 用户启用多个密码策略 使用AD 组策略时,您只能为域分配单个策略,并且此策略将应用于所有用户,无一例外。即使创...
十进制: 1909 - ERROR_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUT (账户当前已被锁定,不允许登录The referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to.) LDAP[userAccountControl: <bitmask=0x00000010>] - LOCKOUT 注释: 即便是输入了错误的密码也可能返回此值...
objConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject" objConnection.Open "Active Directory Provider" ' 设置查询参数 strBaseDN = "<LDAP://DC=example,DC=com>" ' 替换为你的域名 strFilter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(lockoutTime>=1))" strAttributes = "sAMAccountName,lockoutTime" strQ...
TRUSTED_FOR_DELEGATION - When this flag is set, the service account (the user or computer account) under which a service runs is trusted for Kerberos delegation. Any such service can impersonate a client requesting the service. To enable a service for Kerberos delegation, you must set this fl...
[Forum FAQ] Setting up a Stand-alone DNS Server for Active Directory Service [SOLVED] Active Directory Saved Query - Group Member Listing [Solved] Biometrics with Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 10 *Solved* Account lockout troubleshooting \\fileserver is not accessible. You might not have per...
When authentication failures occur at a given DC because of an incorrect password, the failures are forwarded to the PDC emulator before a bad password failure message is reported to the user. Account lockout is processed on the PDC emulator. ...