Active Directory简单来说,就是Microsfot提供的一项功能服务,它充当集中存储库并存储与Active Directory用户、计算机、服务器和组织内的其他资源等对象相关的所有数据,它使系统管理员的管理变得容易。但它的主要功能是提供一种在域环境中对用户和机器进行身份验证的方法。使用Active Directory,可以远程管理用户、工作站及其权...
在Powershell中可以通过内置的.NET接口执行LDAP查询,使用 [adsisearcher] 类型加速器,我们可以传递 LDAP 查询并获得结果,因为这允许我们访问 Active Directory 对象而无需导入额外的 PowerShell 模块。 下面是我们如何运行LDAP查询(objectCategory=Computer)以查找所有域计算机对象的示例: PS C:\> ([adsisearcher]'(obj...
An object name in Active Directory in canonical form. Also, the value of the canonicalName attribute of the object. The canonical name of the object appears on the "Object" tab of the Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC) mmc. If the distinguished name of an object is "cn=Jim ...
ActiveDirectorySchema 属性 方法 Dispose FindAllClasses FindAllDefunctClasses FindAllDefunctProperties FindAllProperties FindClass FindDefunctClass FindDefunctProperty FindProperty GetCurrentSchema GetDirectoryEntry GetSchema RefreshSchema ActiveDirectorySchemaClass ...
The Db2 database servers are published in the Active Directory as the ibm_db2Node objects. The ibm_db2Node object class is a subclass of the ServiceConnectionPoint (SCP) object class.
下面列出了 Active Directory 类的映射信息,其中显示了每个 Active Directory 属性的 WMI 限定符和 WMI 限定符类型。Common-Name CN (VT_BSTR) 直接从字符串值映射。 Default-Object-Category DefaultObjectCategory (VT_BSTR) 直接从字符串值映射。 Default-Security-Descriptor DefaultSecurityDescriptor (VT_BSTR...
LDAP User Object Class: Object classes for user. When a user is created, this list of user object classes will be added to the user's attributes list. Therefore, it is important that the object classes you entered here actually exist in the Active Directory server; otherwise, you will get...
For example, when you create a user via the OpenSSO Console, the Console writes out to the Active Directory server the predefined set of OpenSSO Enterprise object classes and attributes for the user. If the Active Directory server is not configured with the same set of user object classes ...
The Active Directory schema contains the definitions for all objects in the directory. Every new directory object you create is validated against the appropriate object definition in the schema before being written to the directory. The schema is made up of object classes and attributes. The base ...
In Windows 2000, you don't have an object class called "router." To add attributes to existing objects or to build completely new object classes, you need to enable Active Directory to know how to build that object, and this involves extending the schema. ...