在Powershell中可以通过内置的.NET接口执行LDAP查询,使用 [adsisearcher] 类型加速器,我们可以传递 LDAP 查询并获得结果,因为这允许我们访问 Active Directory 对象而无需导入额外的 PowerShell 模块。 下面是我们如何运行LDAP查询(objectCategory=Computer)以查找所有域计算机对象的示例: PS C:\> ([adsisearcher]'(obj...
"James Smith"; Grant; Write; Object-Class User; Attribute Password 现在James Smith可以在公司帐户中创建新的用户和小组,同时还可以已有用户设置密码,但是他不能创建任何对象类,也不能操作其他容器(除非他被授予了对其他容器管理的权利)中的用户。 目录(directory)--一种存储网络信息的层次结构。 目录服务(direct...
You must set the Name and Type parameters to create a new Active Directory object. The Name specifies the name of the new object. The Type parameter specifies the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) display name of the Active Directory schema class that represents the type of object ...
ms-Exch-Aux-Mailbox-Parent-Object-Id-Link ms-Exch-Aux-Mailbox-Parent-Object-Id-BL由Exchange 2013 CU6 修改的属性本节包含 Exchange 2013 CU6 中修改的属性。展开表 属性更改值 ms-Exch-Smtp-TLS-Certificate replace:rangeUpper 1024Exchange 2013 CU5 Active Directory 架构更改...
Set the activeDirectoryId property: Id of the Active Directory. Parameters: activeDirectoryId - the activeDirectoryId value to set. Returns: the ActiveDirectory object itself.withAdName public ActiveDirectory withAdName(String adName) Set the adName property: Name of the active directory machine...
The ReadOnlyActiveDirectorySchemaClassCollection class is a read-only collection that contains ActiveDirectorySchemaClass objects.
Active Directory 轻型目录服务入门循序渐进指南更新时间: 2007年9月应用到: Windows Server 2008以前称为 Active Directory 应用程序模式 ADAM 的 Active Directory
ms-Exch-Virtual-Directory add:mayContain msExchMRSProxyFlags ms-Exch-Virtual-Directory add:mayContain msExchMRSProxyMaxConnections Attributes added by Exchange 2019 RTM ms-DS-External-Directory-Object-Id ms-DS-GeoCoordinates-Altitude ms-DS-GeoCoordinates-Latitude ms-DS-GeoCoordinates-Longitude ms-Exch...
In the schema, an object class represents a category of directory objects, such as users, printers, or application programs, that share a set of common characteristics. The definition for each object class contains a list of the schema attributes that can be used to describe instances of the ...
Active Directory also provides mechanisms for access control and authentication. Permissions can be applied to objects to control how they are used, while security descriptors, object inheritance, and authentication are used to determine a user’s access and the permissions set on objects. Authenticatio...