1 命名空间包含两个组件类别:DirectoryEntry 和 DirectorySearcher,它们使用 Active Directory Services Interface (ADSI) 技术。 2 提供了对其添加、修改和删除。 DirectoryEntry 类别 1 封装 Active Directory 底层架构中的节点或对象。 2 系结至对象、读取属性 (Property) 和更新属性 (Attribute)。 3 提供生命周期管理...
1 命名空间包含两个组件类别:DirectoryEntry 和 DirectorySearcher,它们使用 Active Directory Services Interface (ADSI) 技术。 2 提供了对其添加、修改和删除。 DirectoryEntry 类别 1 封装 Active Directory 底层架构中的节点或对象。 2 系结至对象、读取属性 (Property) 和更新属性 (Attribute)。 3 提供生命周期管理...
Attribute": "cn", "userGivenNameAttribute": "givenName", "userSurnameAttribute": "sn", "ldapURLForUsers": "ldaps://myLdapServer:10636/ou=users,ou=ags,dc=example,dc=com", "userEmailAttribute": "mail", "usernameAttribute": "uid", "caseSensitive": "false", "userSearchAttribute": "...
若要操控 Active Directory 物件,則對 Active Directory Schema 也不能陌生,Active Directory Schema 是存在於 Active Directory 資料庫中的資料結構,由二十七種資料型別組成,目前在 Windows Server 2003 以上的資料庫,都有數百種的屬性(attribute),這些屬性是儲存資料的基本單元,因此要操作 Active Directory 的資料,...
service-type apple-service-url apple-user-class apple-user-authenticationhint apple-user-homequota apple-user-homesoftquota apple-user-homeurl apple-user-mailattribute apple-user-picture apple-user-printattribute apple-webloguri apple-xmlplist gidNumber ipHostNumber loginShell macAddress uidNumber ttl...
Attribute Name of User Status Specifies the attribute name to indicate if the user is active or inactive. User Status Active Value This attribute value is assigned to the user when the user is created. For a user to be active, the Active Directory value is 544. For a user to be inactive...
Native Active Directory attribute Attribute assigned to AD by Okta Native Okta attribute Required by Okta Mapping: AD to Okta Mapping: Okta to ADNotes distinguishedName dn dn Yes Yes Yes givenName firstName firstName Yes Yes Yes mail email email Yes Yes Yes objectGUID externalId ...
Active Directory 与 LDAP 之间的数据类型映射 项目 2024/02/23 3 个参与者 反馈 下表会将友好语法名称映射到相应的 LDAP 语法 OID 和 ADSTYPEENUM 值。展开表 友好语法名称LDAP 语法 OIDADSTYPEENUM 数据类型 AccessPointDN ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING AttributeTypeDescription...
The OU path is the distinguishedName attribute, to find this open up Active Directory Users and Computers and browse to the OU you want to import to, then right click and select properties then select attribute editor. Copy the path into the path column in the CSV file. ...
Email address Enter the attribute name of the attribute that contains the email address in a user record. Email address is used to send welcome and update emails to the user. The default is mail. User group Enter the attribute name of the attribute that contains the user group in a user ...