Active Directory 拓扑(站点、子网和连接对象) DCPromo 和域控制器的安装 域控制器可伸缩性或性能(包括 LDAP) 域加入问题 LDAP 配置和互作性 架构更新失败或冲突 用户、计算机、组和对象管理 虚拟化域控制器(错误和问题) Windows 时间服务 管理员开发
WORKDAY 属性ACTIVE DIRECTORY 属性匹配 ID?创建/更新 WorkerIDEmployeeID是仅在创建时写入 PreferredNameDatacn仅在创建时写入 SelectUniqueValue( Join("@", Join(".", [FirstName], [LastName]), ""), Join("@", Join(".", Mid([FirstName], 1, 1), [LastName]), ""),...
UI label Active Directory attribute Comment * UserLogon NameuserPrincipalNameThis field is taken from everything in theuserPrincipalNameattribute that preceeds the last '@' character. The last '@' character and everything after it is placed in the suffix combo box. * User logon name (pre-W...
Object: CN=<MachineName>\0ADEL:<GUID>,CN=Deleted Objects,DC=xxxx,DC=domainname,DC=com Object GUID: <GUID> Attribute: 9030d (lastKnownParent) The current value (without changes) of the attribute on the local directory partition will replicate to all other directory services. ...
在Windows Server Active Directory 林中挥之不去的对象 在域控制器之间手动复制数据失败 修改默认站点内 DC 复制间隔 NTDS 复制警告事件 ID 1093 NTDS 复制警告 ID 1083 和 1061 NTFRS 弃用阻止安装副本 DC 操作失败,Win32 错误 1753 操作失败,出现 Win32 错误 8524 ...
Active Directory Collection Active Directory Collection Active Directory Application Mode Active Directory Structure and Storage Technologies Domain Controller Roles Active Directory Replication Technologies Active Directory Search and Publication Technologies Active Directory Search and Publication Technologies Active Di...
This parameter also sets the ADS_UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE flag of the Active Directory User Account Control (UAC) attribute. The acceptable values for this parameter are: $False or 0 $True or 1 Expand table Type: Boolean Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: ...
UI label Active Directory attribute Comment * UserLogon NameuserPrincipalNameThis field is taken from everything in theuserPrincipalNameattribute that preceeds the last '@' character. The last '@' character and everything after it is placed in the suffix combo box. ...
ms-Exch-Extension-Custom-Attribute-5 ms-Exch-External-Directory-Object-Class ms-Exch-Fed-Delegation-Trust-SL ms-Exch-Forest-Mode-Flag ms-Exch-General-Throttling-Policy-State-Ex ms-Exch-Group-External-Member-Count ms-Exch-Group-Member-Count ms-Exch-Group-Security-Flags ms-Exch-Home-MDB-SL ms...
GivenName= First name Surname= Last name Name= Name DisplayName= Display Name Above is an example of my CSV file. How do you find the OU path? The OU path is the distinguishedName attribute, to find this open up Active Directory Users and Computers and browse to the OU you want to ...