Passive Voice If you are passive, something is being done to you. In a sentence written in passive voice, the subject of the sentence is having the action of the verb done to it by something else. The Twix bar was eaten by Mrs. Olsen The paper was written by the students. Zarina was...
Uses of active and passive voice Passive-voice verbs In general, you should avoid using the passive voice since sentences in the passive voice can sound awkward and weak. Better (active voice) Awkward (passive voice) Cynthia will mow the lawn this weekend. The lawn will be mowed this weekend...
Active and passive voice for verbs:主动和被动语态的动词.ppt,Basic Scientific Writing in English Lecture 7Professor Ralph KirbyFaculty of Life SciencesExtension 7323Room B322 Active and passive voice for verbs Inter-converting tenses between English and
1、Basic Scientific Writing in EnglishLecture 7,Professor Ralph Kirby Faculty of Life Sciences Extension 7323 Room B322,Active and passive voice for verbs,Inter-converting tenses between English and Chinese has many problems,Past, present and future can rely solely on context in Chinese. In ...
PassiveVoice ▪Inapassivevoicesentence,thesubjectandobjectflip-flop.Thesubjectbecomesthepassiverecipientoftheaction.▪Becausethesubjectisbeing"actedupon"(orispassive),suchsentencesaresaidtobeinthepassivevoice.精品文档 PassiveVoice ▪Theseexamplesshowthesubjectbeingacteduponbytheverb.▪Theboywasjumpedonbythe...
1、Active versus Passive Voice,Are the following sentences in the active or the passive voice?,My professor is teaching three courses. These three courses are taught by the same professor. The Economist is read by many students and professionals. I enjoy reading The Economist. The issue of ...
Active vs Passive Voice:主动与被动语态 Active vs. Passive Voice Active or Passive? Is he being active or passive? Active or Passive? Active or passive? Active vs. Passive Verbs Sentences with active verbs are more exciting than those with passive verbs. A verb is active if the subject of ...
❖**Youknowasentenceiswritteninthepassivevoiceiftheperson/thingDOINGtheactioncomesattheENDofthesentence.❖Whoattackedthepanther?精品文档 Tryit!1.ThepanthercubissavedbyBillieWind.BillieWindsavesthepanthercub.2.Themenintheswampareavoidedbyher.Sheavoidsthemenintheswamp.3.HerfriendshipwithPetangtheotteris...
Active Voice:Example: Jo Jo pucked on the bus. S V prep. phrase direct objectPassive Voice:When the action is performed by the direct object.Example: The bus was pucked on by Jo Jo. direct object original SHints to Recognize the Difference Between the Active and Passive Voice:passive ...