1. Passive Voice Exercises 1 2. Simple Past vs Past Passive - 3-4. Passive Voice with Modals / 2 - 5. Passive Voice Tenses Worksheet - 6-7 Passives Advanced Worksheet / 2 8-9. Active to Passive Voice / 2 10. Forming Passive Voice Worksheet - 11. Convert Simple Present to ...
lesson structure, classroom organization and management, student motivation, and other knowledge of learners (e.g., Shulman 1987; Grossman and Richert 1988; Morine-Dershimer and Kent 1999; König et al. 2014
lesson structure, classroom organization and management, student motivation, and other knowledge of learners (e.g., Shulman 1987; Grossman and Richert 1988; Morine-Dershimer and Kent 1999; König et al. 2014
He introduced a worksheet activity that required students to roll a die and graph al- lele frequency changes based on the number on their die to mimic random changes in allele frequency. Students worked on the activity, and the instructor circulated an- swering multiple questions about the ...
Though active-learning instruction has the potential to positively impact the preparation and diversity of STEM graduates, not all instructors are able to achieve this potential. One important factor is the teacher knowledge that instructors possess, including their pedagogical knowledge. Pedagogical knowled...