"My students LOVED this activity. Sometimes grammar and things like active and passive voice can be a little on the boring side butthese were great activities to show my students just how much they have learned.They enjoyed doing the activity and then seeing them hung up around the room.D...
•Determinedtohelptheat-riskstudents 6 MyPathofDiscovery •Constructivism •Cooperativelearning •Learner-centeredteaching •Activelearning 7 Problem •Lotsofactivelearningarticles •Fewtargetintroprogrammingcourses •Manyfocusonhumanities,sciences,andadvancedcourses 8 Don’tDoThisatHome •Threwawayold...
W10: single balanced armature delivers extraordinary detail and clarity in a compact ergonomic package. W 20: a professional tool with a dual driver balanced armature design with passive crossover that has the range and performance for all music. W30: unmatched sound signature tuned by artists, th...
Excitation can happen when the teacher tells interesting science stories; stimulates expression of joy, wonder, and other positive emotions using their voice, body language, or mimes; includes humorous stories and different forms of humor; uses unexpected analogies and metaphors; and incorporate active...