1、The dog was chewing the shoe.The dog was chewing the shoe.Circle the subject in this sentence.The dog was chewing the shoe.Thats right the dog is the subject in this sentence.The dog was chewing the shoe.Now, find the verb and put a box around it.The dog was chewing the shoe....
Since the passive voice puts the emphasis on “research about trees” and the verb “reviewed,” it is the better choice for this situation. Furthermore, we sometimes use the passive voice when we want to emphasize an object (what) rather than a subject (who). Read these examples: The ...
The jam sandwich was being eaten by the queen. The verb is written in red in this sentence. The jam sandwich was being eaten by the queen. This is a passive sentence. The subject-the jam sandwich- is ‘passively’ having something done to it. It is being eaten! Perhaps this seems com...
[Thing doing action] + [verb] + [thing receiving action]Examples:Passive Form In passive sentences, the thing receiving the action is the subject of the sentence and the thing doing the action is optionally included near the end of the sentence. You can use the passive form if you think ...
To form the passive, use a form of the verb "be" followed by a past participle verb form. You can form the passive in several verb tenses, but the simple present and simple past are the most common. Only transitive verbs can ...
Activeandpassivevoiceforverbs Inter-convertingtensesbetweenEnglishandChinesehasmanyproblemsPast,presentandfuturecanrelysolelyoncontextinChinese.InEnglish,itmustbespecifiedWhethertheactionhasbeencompletedorisintendedtobecompletediscentraltoChineseandhasnorealequivalentinEnglishThepassivevoiceofaverbhasnorealequivalentinChine...
(verb). 4 PassiveVoice •Inapassivevoicesentence,thesubjectandobjectflip-flop.Thesubject becomesthepassiverecipientoftheaction. •Becausethesubjectisbeing"actedupon"(orispassive),suchsentences aresaidtobeinthepassivevoice. 5 PassiveVoice •Theseexamplesshowthesubjectbeingacteduponbytheverb. •Theboy...
•[Thingdoingaction]+[verb]+[thingreceivingaction]Examples:PassiveForm •Inpassivesentences,thethingreceivingtheactionisthesubjectofthesentenceandthethingdoingtheactionisoptionallyincludedneartheendofthesentence.Youcanusethepassiveformifyouthinkthatthethingreceivingtheactionismoreimportantorshouldbeemphasized.You...
Here in this table, we are elaborating Rules of Active and Passive Voice with examples for Present Simple. Active and Passive Voice Example with Answers of Present Simple Tense Active:He reads a novel. Passive:A novel is read. Active:He does not cook food. ...