Accentuating Muscular Development Through Active Insufficiency and Passive Tensiongastrocnemiussoleushamstringsbiceps brachiitriceps brachiiCompetitive female athletes may have higher risk of eating disorders (ED) than recreational athletes, in part because low body fat may be advantageous in sports. However,...
Due to the persistent increase in number of nodes, the increased activity-dependent Na+ influx could lead to hyperactivity of the Na+/K+ pump resulting in membrane hyperpolarization and neurotoxic energy insufficiency during strenuous activity.
Although it can be argued that most progress has been made with passive microwave sensors [37], only active sensors meet the spatial resolution and coverage required for many of the applications of consistent soil moisture data. The main characteristics of the currently operating spaceborne Synthetic...
AL differs from traditional "passive" learning systems that purely "learn from examples". AL systems aim to make ML more economical and more accurate, because the learning algorithms can participate in the acquisition of their own training data, and are able to avoid using unrepresentative or ...